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FBIF2023|300+ Speakers and30000+ Industry Insiders to Gather


Nothing but clear skies ahead in 2023! From all the ups and downs we have gained strength and resilience.

Under the theme Re-Imagine, Food & Beverage Innovation Forum 2023 and FBIF iFood Show 2023will take place from14-16 June 2023in the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao’an District). Over 30,000 attendees are expected to visit.

In the forums, industry trends and innovation cases will be explored for diverse F&B product categories, and in multiple perspectives, i.e., strategy, ingredients, marketing, channels, supply chain, packaging, investment, etc. Two awarding ceremonies and FBIF iFood Show, an exhibition of food innovations that covers over 62,000 square meters, will bring a splash of inspirations.

Industry leaders, emerging brands, investors, platform providers, and suppliers will all come together under one roof, making FBIF2023 the hub for social networking, building meaningful partnerships, and discovering trending ideas.


1. FBIF2023 Forums

2. FBIF Awards Ceremonies

3. FBIF iFood Show 2023

4. FBIF2023 Sponsors and Partners

5. FBIF Review

6. Registration and Contact Us

FBIF2023 Forums

FBIF2023 forums fall into three days, with Day One highlighting the Plenary Session and SONO Food Leaders Summit, and ten parallel forums on Day Two and Three.

It is worth noting how technology is reshaping the food industry, especially the impact of AI+ on the food industry from product development all the way to marketing and sales. In-depth discussions will shed light on AI applications comminated with multiple F&B categories and business functions. Key topics, e.g., the pressing challenge in channel cultivation, and new growth opportunities in various food categories, and sustainable business, will unfold in different forums.

6.14 Plenary Session

We are standing at an unprecedented intersection – climbing inflation and staggering raw material cost, climate change, geopolitics – the impact of the unknown is hanging over us amid all uncertainties.

There is hope and a silver lining in the dramatic changes: IMF projects growth in China rebounding to 5.2 percent in 2023, consumers have been coming back to food consumption and restaurants since the beginning of the year, AI drives business revolution, and ESG brings alive innovations in every aspect……

You are kindly invited to FBIF2023 to look and talk into the future. Together we start a new journey and Re-Imagine!

The next China is China!

6.14 SONO Food Leaders Summit

SONO CEO CLUB is a community facing food and beverage business leaders and executives around the world. As the annual event of SONO CEO CLUB, SONO Food Leaders Summit is a closed-door meeting that is exclusive to club members and invited guests during FBIF2023.

Focus on the now and mind the future. SONO Food Leaders Summit will explore value reshaping, intergenerational management, future brands, and ESG, sharing genuine ideas through broad perspectives with the aim to dig deeper and see wider.

6.15-16 Dairy Talks

Daily milk intake of 300-500g is specially recommended in the Chinese Dietary Guidelines 2022, which affirms the roles of dairy products as a daily necessity and source of nutrition. Competition landscape and the dairy industry itself are going through structural changes, with new opportunities emerging in certain market segments. Where is the second growth curve for dairy companies? What is new in the vast liquid milk market? Where are cheese and formula milk seeking growth? Let us find out what industry insiders have to say.

6.15-16 Snack & Baking

There is always something new in consumer snacking trends, but innovation is a lasting theme. What is new in candies and chocolates? What are the new tricks with snack food variety stores? How is snack innovation done differently? When snacks and bakery come into omni-channel competition, how to be a delicious and fun snack brand is still a puzzle that is highly intriguing to all.

6.15-16 Drink Talks

Bain statistics show that 7.2% more soft drinks were sold in the first three quarters of 2022 in China, despite impact of environmental factors.

As demographic structure continues to evolve, what kind of soft drinks can stay with consumers for a lifetime? Tea and coffee seem to be more agreeable with all age groups, while new opportunities also come from innovative soft drinks that highlight health and taste.

In addition, it is key to go back to the basics – solid channel management and more sustainable planning for the whole picture.

6.15-16 YoungCohol

We are looking for opportunities in the Chinese alcoholic beverage market, one that has distinct local characteristic, with a more global view.

What is the impact of economy on alcoholic beverage consumption? What has changed in purchase channels? When “new-style alcoholic drinks” are hyped no more, how should we see this new drinking style defined by young drinkers in perspectives of product, culture, and context?

6.15-16 Condiment & 3R Food

The core topic of 2023 to catering industry, condiments, and 3R food is "back to basics". The Condiment & 3R Food Forum this year will go into deep dives on the fundamental logics of each racetrack taking market changes into consideration. Products shall aim at good tastes, better ingredient, and even further to the world. Are you ready for the adventure?

6.15-16 Ingredient Talks

So much has been going on around ingredients in the last whole year. In 2023 we will keep discovering high-potential functional ingredients and explore inspirations for up-coming additives. In the crises we have experienced may hide the biggest opportunities!

6.15-16 Channel & Supply Chain

Neither channels are merely about putting products on shelves, nor supply chain building plants.

The Channel and Supply Chain Talks will unfold discussions along retail channels, merchandise management and innovation, business management, and upstream supply chain response to gain insights into small and medium-sized stores, discount stores, snack variety stores, regional retailers, membership stores, same-city/instant retail, and more business model innovations. Trending topics like product innovations that tap into up-middle-down-stream synergy, retailers' private labels, business philosophies, and delicacy management will also be covered.

6.15-16 Pack Talks

At the forefront of sustainable packaging, how do you chart a practical course to the blueprints drawn for the future? With the emergence of disruptive AI, are you also eager to pry the creative lever and unleash the power of technological change? When packaging as a touchpoint plays a key role in reshaping consumer experience, how to highlight core brand values in details and reshape the interaction with consumers? Going back to the essence of brand design, how to use design thinking to "cultivate" a brand like planting a tree?

6.15-16 Marketing Talks

New market opportunities are being formed as brands reach to county population and overseas consumers. Discerning eyes can see better in market clichés – trends consumption of among Gen Z. Fine-grained marketing tactics, sustainable and resilient marketing models are required amid market uncertainties. The red ocean battle in on, and it is pressing for brands to build their own moats. With AIGC, AR, VR, MR, and other fundamental technologies approaching maturity, the silhouette of Metaverse comes into sight.

Marketing Talks will navigate you through these emerging opportunities.

6.15-16 Food & Money

How should investors and companies collaborate to convert money into productivity? How can companies big and small generate healthy growth by integrating resources for value proposition, team development, technology commercialization, mergers, and acquisitions? In addition, we would like to look further and explore how technology will reshape the food and beverage industry.

Make sure you scan the QR code below to let us know what you are interested to know more about the industry!

FBIF Awards Cereomonies

1、Marking Awards 2022

Marking Awards (MA)——Global Food & Beverage Packaging Design Award, initiated by FBIF in Shanghai in 2016 and targets the global. Forty-four jurors from 12 countries around the world joined the MA2022 International Jury, consisting of executives from the top 100 global food packaging design departments such as PepsiCo, Nestlé, Mars Wrigley, Yili, etc., founders and design directors of top international design agencies such as JKR, Pearlfisher, Prompt Design, BETC, etc., as well as executives from major packaging and material companies such as Tetra Pak, Aptar, O.R.G. Technology, Westrock, etc. MA is dedicated to providing a diverse interpretation and fair judgement of packaging design in the F&B industry.

Marking Awards 2022 has received submissions from over 200 companies, organizations, and teams from the world. 55 inspirations have been selected for the award.

Marking Awards 2022 Ceremony

Time:June 14, 14:00-16:30 (Beijing Time)

Place: Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an District) Hall 18

2、Wow Food Awards 2022

Wow Food recognize innovations in packaged food in all food and drink categories. The honor highlights innovative ideas in product positioning, design, ingredients, technology, process, and other dimensions. Dozens of experts and scholars are invited to evaluate all aspects of products with fairness and justice. This award accentuates product creativity and excellence of innovation in the food and beverage industry.

Wow Food Awards 2022 has received more than 520 submissions from over 250 traditional and emerging brands, of which 82 are selected for this honor. Stay tuned for the Awards Ceremony at FBIF2023!

Wow Food Awards 2022 Ceremony

Time:June 14, 14:00-16:30 (Beijing Time)

Place:Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an District) Hall 18

FBIF iFood Show 2023

As a concurrent exhibition of FBIF (Food & Beverage Innovation Forum), FBIF iFood Show focuses on innovation and aims to provide F&B companies with a professional display and communication platform, complementing the forum and jointly promoting the industry development.

In 2023, the FBIF Exhibition area is expanded to 62,000+ ㎡, accommodating 900+ exhibitors. Over 30,000 audiences are expected to visit.

FBIF iFood Show 2023

Time: Jun. 14-16 (3 days)

Place: Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an District) Hall 17 & 20

This year, brands from dairy, beverages, snacks, spirits, condiments, and more segments converge at FBIF. Industry players in ingredients, OEM, marketing, packaging, equipment, and supply chain will meet to facilitate up-and-down-stream resource alignment. Until the end of this February,700+ booths have already been booked.

In addition, seven exclusively curated special eventsthroughout the show have been fully upgraded! Feature presentations and visiting experience are brought to a new height thanks to a wide array of activities, including displays, tasting, on-site making, and product launch, with the aim to bring visitors valuable industry trends. All-new FBIF exhibition has a lot to show!

FBIF2023 Sponsors and Partners

FBIF Review

Registration & Contact Us

Register for FBIF2023 now!

Warm Reminder:

1. After your ticket purchase, you are suggested adding ticket holders soon in case there is a long queue on-site.

2. Please plan ahead and book accommodation as early as possible, considering the increasing booking demand.

Speech Opportunities & Strategic Cooperation

Isabella Hsu

Mob: 18217049505

WeChat ID: xuyuanhui021909

Email: isabella.hsu@simbaevents.cn

Registration and Booth Reservation


Mob: 13166002590

WeChat ID: lovelyFBIFer1

Email: carrie@simbaevents.cn

Media Cooperation


Mob: 13162577613

WeChat ID: FBIF_nana

Email: dudu@simbaevents.cn

Source: Food & Beverage Innovation Forum


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.



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