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"偷天换日"现实版 戈恩新闻发布会中英全文


北京时间1月8日晚上九点,日产汽车公司前董事长卡洛斯·戈恩(Carols Gohn)在黎巴嫩召开记者发布会,戈恩在发布会上称,日产不想让法国人来指手画脚,所以要把自己赶走。并表示自己不是逃避司法,而是离开不公正的司法,不然只能等待自己死在日本。


Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you very much for coming here. In this part, I will give a speech in multiple languages. I want to thank the media friends from France. You can imagine that today is a very important day for me. First of all, I am also looking forward to it very much. It should be said that every day in the future has been 400 days, especially since I was brought out of my own world in a very cruel way. It should be said that I have been with my family, friends and myself My social circle is completely disconnected, and Renault and Mitsubishi are completely disconnected. Since November 2018, I have been free for the first time, which is hard to express in words, especially some of my own feelings. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to reunite with my family and my loved ones. At the same time, today reminds me of a day a year ago when I was also a judge and prosecutor in front of the media and in Japan I complained to them about my own innocence. I was trapped in handcuffs. I was in court at that time. I was also in Japan. I should say I was kept in solitary confinement for a long time. I haven't met my family for more than six weeks. A lawyer showed me a letter.

In the past, I have been tortured by the relevant Japanese authorities for more than eight hours without any lawyers present. I was totally unaware of the reasons for my accusation, and they also spent a lot of energy to consume my human rights and my own energy, which was a great setback for me, and the prosecutor also kept improving on me You can go to see my video. At that time, I was also forced to admit some of my crimes. If I didn't admit it, they would do some related actions to my family and my lover. I am also constantly fighting for my own innocence, whether to continue to fight or to continue to hope for freedom one day, it should be said that every day, every week and every month since then, an idea of no hope is growing day by day, it should be said that in the 130 days of detention, I also constantly fight for my own innocence, and I also have the first chance to be able to It's enough to share with you some of my own thoughts, especially that I was put in a single cell 24 hours after I was detained, which is against the human rights of the United Nations. I will not tell you how I left Japan today. Although you are very interested in the process of how I left Japan, I will tell you why I left.

Since the first day of the nightmare, I have been hoping to defend myself. To me, I am very happy to be able to leave my cell. It's hard for me to describe what I've experienced with words. Fortunately, I'm not in Japan now. I want to tell you more about what I'm going to tell you, so that you can find some real facts, rather than just listen to those complaints My people, whether they are in Japan or not, the reality is totally different from what they say. After that, you will find out what these realities are. I want to tell you that Japan's system violates basic human rights. In my personal capacity, I would like to emphasize that some of the mistakes in Japan's judicial system are completely wrong in the complaints they have made against me. I should not have been arrested at all in the first place.

First of all, I would like to say to you that those who are grateful for my support, especially for their long-term defense of me, hoping to protect my reputation and my personality, should be grateful for the love they have provided to my family and my wife. My wife, my four children, my sister, my mother, they should all be He said that they have experienced a lot of pain in the process, especially after they heard from the media that I was detained and detained, they also continuously expressed regret and sorrow for the complaints made by the Japanese media, as well as the Japanese prosecutors and senior Nissan officials. I also saw a lot of my friends and anonymous supporters. When I was detained, they wrote some petition letters. I also want to thank the government of Lebanon and Lebanese citizens. They never lost trust in me. They showed the world that although Lebanon is a small country, Lebanon still has a very big soul, a very big heart, and they really have a right Sense of righteousness.

I also think that my lawyers all over the world are constantly devoting their energy to fight against the corruption system, which has constantly suppressed my confidence. On the first day, they forced me to admit my criminal evidence. In particular, I want to thank some supporters in various countries, especially in Japan for their support and hope to be able to work for Japan In the whole system, we can see that it lacks freedom and justice. Take a moment to mention Mr. Kelly. Mr. Kelly is a good husband and father. He was also forced to go to Japan in November last year. He should have had surgery at home. He was detained in the whole Japanese judicial system, without any sign of trial, and was detained for four months. When my news catches the center of the media, I can't feel Greg's pain, especially the Japanese judicial system .

It's hard for you to imagine the pain I've suffered in the past 14 months. It should be said that as an executive officer of Nissan who hasn't been formally prosecuted, although I won't stand above the law, I hope to name my name and right. I also support the just and just law. I have escaped from the process of political prosecution. I think they have also passed this way I hope to be able to escape such a system to protect my family, and the adoption of the risks I have made is to hope that there will be a fair and free trial in the future, especially those who want to sue me and have some unfair practices against me.

What I want to say is that justice doesn't matter to individuals at this time. It's also the most difficult decision I've made in my life. But we must not forget the judicial system we are currently facing. Their prosecution power has reached more than 90%, and their prosecution rate for foreigners has exceeded 90%. This is about Whether it is fair or not, we hope to have a fair outcome. The prosecution mode of their system is entirely decided by individuals, including Nissan executives and the plaintiffs in this lawsuit, which should be said to have completely defiled Japan's own judicial system and overturned people's image of Japan as a modern city, which is also very serious. You may wonder why prosecutors expose some false information to the media in violation of Japanese laws. Later, I will show why I am innocent, why they haven't even decided the final trial date 13 months later, why they are delaying the investigation, why they have to detain me repeatedly, and why they have to detain me repeatedly To examine some of my prosecution documents, why should they prevent me from holding a press conference or telling some information to the public or telling my own story to the public, why would they spend 14 months destroying my energy, or even controlling every action and step of me by isolating my wife, I will give you some answers, and I will keep the five topic speech, I'll tell you why it happened, how it happened, and what I've been through in the past 14 months. In addition, I'm facing four lawsuits, especially the prosecutor's lawsuit against me. In fact, the reasons for these prosecutions are all slander. Some of the contents of these prosecutions have been publicized in the media for a long time. From the official point of view, they are not rigorous at all. I will talk about the current situation of Nissan, including the situation of its three main bodies.

First of all, it is mentioned why this is a conspiracy and an organized conspiracy. What is the reason? We see two reasons. I will give you two main reasons. Why did this happen? First of all, Nissan's performance began to decline at the beginning of 2017. In October 2016, I decided to support the company's rectification from the future chairman of Mitsubishi. At that time, they proposed to let me be the joint CEO, which was designated by the board of directors. They voted him as the CEO by all votes. 14 months later, they voted to let him step down by all votes. I died in this company in 1999 After 17 years in the company, I saved the company and made it the top 6 brand in the world again. This is my contribution, but they completely forgot. As the chairman of Nissan, I have brought high profits to the company, and let it start to grow again. In 2018, the company started to go downhill again, because the CEO is no longer me. I believe that there will be a time when these Asians will be stationed on the competitive stage, which is the first point.

At that time, shareholders had been discussing Renault's board of directors for two years, because the French government wanted to increase Renault's equity and shareholding ratio in Nissan. After that, our Japanese side was not happy. Not only the leadership of Nissan was not willing to accept such facts, but also the pressure of French side, because they were given voting rights for their 15% shareholding ratio in Nissan, but the Japanese side was 15% in Renault The proportion of shares did not bring voting rights. I should be the most able to bring them out of this dilemma. They proposed to let me return to this company at that time. Unfortunately, I accepted that they are the people in the two companies who feel that they are second-class citizens. They should be united together to make them a company, so that they can feel that they are first-class citizens, so that their next The slope road can return to the normal track. Nissan thinks that if they don't want to have French advice, the best way is to get rid of me. In fact, during the period of Nissan's work, Renault doesn't have a great influence and has always given Nissan a high degree of self-control. However, Nissan doesn't have such a feeling and has never reached an agreement.

Who are these people I'm talking about? I'll give my name to you. Who organized this conspiracy? The members of the board of directors are members of the board of directors of Nissan. I can say who is behind the Japanese government. I can tell you. But in Lebanon, I'm particularly grateful to the Lebanese government for its hospitality. So I hope what I've said It will not bring any problems to Lebanon, so for the Japanese government.

Do you have any foreknowledge when Pearl Harbor incident happens? Do you know any clues? I wasn't in my own country at that time, and I didn't understand their language. When they were planning this plot, I really didn't find out in advance. I believe they planned it secretly, so when the incident happened, I was very surprised. The whole world was surprised. I didn't know at all, and the whole world knew that I was arrested on the plane No, I was arrested after I got off the plane. I went to the Customs by car. At this time, they collected my passport. People from Tokyo local procuratorate told me that you should put away your mobile phone. You can't use your mobile phone anymore, because I was very surprised at that time. I told them that I would at least call Nissan and ask my lawyer to be present, but I didn't know that Nissan would It's the mastermind behind it. In fact, I didn't know that the prosecutor and Nissan had a conspiracy. After that, they took me to the detention center. It's only five hours since I was arrested. It's an illegal act. But we can see so many clues With so many hands behind their backs, no one can see it clearly.

Nissan's management actually told me that they knew the company was making some plans for me, which had been planned long before I was arrested. I didn't want to mention the name of any prosecutor or any official here, but the prosecutor told me that when I arrested you at the airport, it was about your tax evasion and tax evasion and your salary. I What about wages? He said that the reason why I arrested you was because your salary declaration was not enough, that is, the salary we paid you, especially the money we paid you in Japan. They complained that my salary had not been declared, and the approval of this salary had not passed the board of directors, so they sued me for this reason. This is a very magical thing. In many countries, because you have no reason To arrest me, this is not a criminal event, this is not even an illegal event. If you don't declare it, I also asked the University of Tokyo. Three weeks ago, my lawyer asked a professor of the relevant wage law of the University of Tokyo. This is the prosecutor's complaint against me. I told this information to the professor 13 months later. He said it was very shameful A matter of humiliation, they will arrest you Mr. Ghosn, I will let him write it down, he said it was a shame. This is a remark made by a professor of corporate law at the University of Tokyo, Japan. It's a shame. I will continue.

Let me tell you something, especially when I talk about 130 days of detention, in which a lot of time is spent in solitary confinement and detention, all day long and all night long. There is only 30 minutes of free time every day, and there is no such 30 minutes on the weekend. There is no review of our detention by any police officers on the weekend. There may be less weekend time, and there will be freedom every week There is no drug supply, including continuous investigation and interrogation at night and in the daytime. There is no lawyer present, and there is no one in the area or cell where I am being held who can speak French or English. The prosecutor told me from the beginning that you should not play tricks with me, or confess early. There is no sign that they do not They hope to succeed in prosecuting me. They hope to establish a very strong evidence, to succeed in prosecuting me and to prosecute me.

In fact, after my second arrest, a new prosecutor took office in Japan. At that time, he was also interviewed by the Japanese media. He said, why don't you allow Mr. Ghosn to communicate with the media? He said that we don't allow him to say anything to the media. At the same time, we have to prosecute him for some new crimes. This process is very interesting. He can communicate with the public Liu, even brought me some new crimes, because you know that yesterday was also a very opportune day, and they also arrested me. They issued another arrest warrant to my wife yesterday. You can imagine that since 9 months ago, prosecutors and judges have used one reason to arrest. It should be said that 9 months ago, yesterday also spent 9 months, The day before today's press conference, they made a new complaint. My wife and I had been separated for nine months, and there was no contact during that time. My wife was a very courageous person. After I was arrested, my wife left Japan, because at that time, the prosecutor said why you left Japan, and her passport and computer had been Confiscated, because she wanted to leave because she was afraid, many people would say that she wanted to leave because she had something hidden and tucked in, the judge took her to the court, and they issued the affidavit of testimony just nine months later. The whole bail judge, we asked him seven times to cancel the ban on bail, and every time we applied for it, we gave him consideration But there is no message. Every time we say we will not bail you, because you have a lot of evidence that has been tampered with, I have no way to receive any information from my children and my family.

If I can get in touch with other people, each of us can change my testimony. Why do I have to contact my wife and ask her to change my testimony? That's why you are suing her. (here's a person's name) maybe they can communicate with my lawyer under the new ban. We will ask why we should talk about this with each other, as if he were People treat me as if I'm no longer a person, as if I should be non-human, non animal or even non-material. I even explain to them why I want to talk to my wife, so I have no way to answer this question. I remember that there were only 2 hours in 9 months, and it was in the presence of my lawyer to communicate with my wife, and there was someone listening, and this person also said sorry to me, I was embarrassed, but I still want to hear your conversation with your wife.

The second point is that I also said that I have a lot of pre-trial cases. In the pre-trial, you have prosecutors, you have defense lawyers, and you have three judges. At that time, I was very naive to think that this judge is the chief. In fact, the chief is the prosecutor judge (a person's name is mentioned here). He is a good man, very polite, but what does the prosecutor want to do What to do? We can see that the prosecutor has been dragging the trial. Even just now I said that they have not decided the trial date of my first complaint. They said that we can't try all the charges against you at one time. We have to go step by step. I asked my lawyer how long it would take. My lawyer may take five years. Maybe you may have to wait five years before the final trial to get the final result. I also have an expert on human rights here today. A quick trial is a right that anyone should enjoy under the human rights act, but I didn't enjoy it at all The trial, even as long as they want to spend on me, and we also find that the judge is like a scene controller, and the prosecutor is the boss.

We can see that in fact, in Japan, there is a 99% success rate of prosecution. I can't get a fair trial in this context. If I still have no way to wait for a fair life in Japan, or even to look forward to what will happen to me in the next four or five years, I may die in Japan. It's not fair. I think I'm a hostage. I'm a person of this country Qualitatively, I have worked in this country for 17 years, and I have contributed my own career to this country. I have completely reversed this company. In the past few years, this company has been ignored. I have brought them 17 years of work, and even thought that I am a model in Japanese companies. No one can defile me.

Suddenly I found some prosecutors who said to the world, "this man is a greedy dictator, a cold-blooded and greedy dictator." we also launched counter prosecution. It should be said that the prosecution prosecutor violated some of the crimes. The prosecution motivation is still in the process of examination. In some ways, I can show you a list of my motivation 。 This list shows the misconduct of all prosecutors, and I have listed the evidence, facts, data, names and even who represents the prosecutors who attend the court on the spot, but you know that my motivation will be ignored in Tokyo, because there is no one, that is, zero counter prosecution in Japan is successful It should be said that the acceptance rate of such counter prosecution is only 0.6%, which is a very sad thing for me.

They also said that they complained to me because I didn't declare my wages and taxes, but what I want to say is that from Nissan's perspective, Nissan is still very gentlemanly. They said that we would pay 9 billion yen as compensation for declaration, which is a way for Nissan as a good citizen of Japan, but they also found that they should pay them When the company is suing, their history has completely made a reverse explanation. Now the documents on the PPT will be provided to you. In Japan, as long as you have this situation, they say that you will not be finally found guilty. But in this regard, they also want to mention three points. Once again, I want to tell you that no democratic country in the world will treat me like this, If you see this picture, it's a resolution of the board of directors. For example, there's a resolution that says, there's an overseas director or a person. If there's any salary of overseas personnel that can be declared, in fact, this approach will not bring any cost to the company or any loss. We'll ask the question exactly Well, actually, I'm still talking about this event. We received 14 million US dollars, which means he didn't do anything in four years. In fact, we signed the contract. We wrote someone's work in the contract, because he had documents with Nissan executives, but many articles said that the CEO's deposit was like hidden money in the safe, which was distributed to his friends, but it wasn't, This deposit is part of the company's budget. You can use it as part of the budget.(部分内容未完,请看如下译文)





































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