国务院参事室特邀研究员 保育钧
BAO Yujun
Invited Research Fellow, Counsellors' Office of State Council
Bao graduated from the People's University of China majored in journalism in 1966. He held high-ranking positions in the "People's Daily," becoming deputy editor-in-chief in 1988. Bao also held executive positions in several press associations, including the China Association for Newspaper Management and the Chinese Advertising Association. Bao was elected vice-chairman of the 8th Executive Committee of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce in 1996. He was the Deputy Secretary of the of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Politial Consultative Conference(CPPCC); he was the president of China Private Enterprises Association and the Honorary President of China Enterprises International Development Association, member of Committee for Social and Legal Affairs of CPPCC.