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# 最高角色等级

# MaxPlayerLevel

# Description: Maximum level that can be reached by players.

# Important: Levels beyond 100 are not recommended at all.

# Range: 1-255

# Default: 80

MaxPlayerLevel = 80

# MinDualSpecLevel

# Description: Level requirement for Dual Talent Specialization.

# Default: 40

MinDualSpecLevel = 40

# 初始等级

# StartPlayerLevel

# Description: Starting level for characters after creation.

# Range: 1-MaxPlayerLevel

# Default: 1

StartPlayerLevel = 1

# 死亡骑士初始等级

# StartDeathKnightPlayerLevel

# Description: Starting level for death knight characters after creation.

# Range: 1-MaxPlayerLevel

# Default: 55

StartDeathKnightPlayerLevel = 55

# 橘色初始钱数

# StartPlayerMoney

# Description: Amount of money (in Copper) that a character has after creation.

# Default: 0

# 100 - (1 Silver)

# 10000 - (1 Gold)

StartPlayerMoney = 1000000

# 最高荣誉点数

# MaxHonorPoints

# Description: Maximum honor points a character can have.

# Default: 75000

MaxHonorPoints = 75000

# 初始荣誉点数

# StartHonorPoints

# Description: Amount of honor points that characters have after creation.

# Default: 0

StartHonorPoints = 0

# 最高竞技场点数

# MaxArenaPoints

# Description: Maximum arena points a character can have.

# Default: 10000

MaxArenaPoints = 10000

# 初始竞技场点数

# StartArenaPoints

# Description: Amount of arena points that characters has after creation.

# Default: 0

StartArenaPoints = 0

# 招募朋友最高等级

# RecruitAFriend.MaxLevel

# Description: Highest level up to which a character can benefit from the Recruit-A-Friend

# experience multiplier.

# Default: 60

RecruitAFriend.MaxLevel = 60

# 招募等级最大差

# RecruitAFriend.MaxDifference

# Description: Highest level difference between linked Recruiter and Friend benefit from

# the Recruit-A-Friend experience multiplier.

# Default: 4

RecruitAFriend.MaxDifference = 4

# 水下呼吸角色等级

# DisableWaterBreath

# Description: Required security level for water breathing.

# Default: 4 - (Disabled)

# 0 - (Enabled, Everyone)

# 1 - (Enabled, Mods/GMs/Admins)

# 2 - (Enabled, GMs/Admins)

# 3 - (Enabled, Admins)

DisableWaterBreath = 4

# 角色创建后开启所有飞行点

# AllFlightPaths

# Description: Character knows all flight paths (of both factions) after creation.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AllFlightPaths = 0

# 飞行时直接抵达目的地

# InstantFlightPaths

# Description: Flight paths will take players to their destination instantly instead

# of making them wait while flying.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

InstantFlightPaths = 0

# 技能等级跟着等级自动提升

# AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel

# Description: Players will automatically gain max skill level when logging in or leveling

# up.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AlwaysMaxSkillForLevel = 0

# 激活天气系统

# ActivateWeather

# Description: Activate the weather system.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

ActivateWeather = 1

# CastUnstuck

# Description: Allow casting the Unstuck spell using .start or unstuck button in client

# help options.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

CastUnstuck = 1

# Instance.IgnoreLevel

# Description: Ignore level requirement when entering instances.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Instance.IgnoreLevel = 1

# Instance.IgnoreRaid

# Description: Ignore raid group requirement when entering instances.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Instance.IgnoreRaid = 1

# Instance.ResetTimeHour

# Description: Hour of the day when the global instance reset occurs.

# Range: 0-23

# Default: 4 - (04:00 AM)

Instance.ResetTimeHour = 4

# Instance.UnloadDelay

# Description: Time (in milliseconds) before instance maps are unloaded from memory if no

# characters are inside.

# Default: 1800000 - (Enabled, 30 minutes)

# 0 - (Disabled, Instance maps are kept in memory until the instance

# resets)

Instance.UnloadDelay = 1800000

# InstancesResetAnnounce

# Description: Announce the reset of one instance to whole party.

# Default: false - (Disabled, don't show, blizzlike)

# true - (Enabled, show)

InstancesResetAnnounce = false

# Quests.EnableQuestTracker

# Description: Store datas in the database about quest completion and abandonment to help finding out bugged quests.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Quests.EnableQuestTracker = 0

# Quests.LowLevelHideDiff

# Description: Level difference between player and quest level at which quests are

# considered low-level and are not shown via exclamation mark (!) at quest

# givers.

# Default: 4 - (Enabled, Hide quests that have 4 levels less than the character)

# -1 - (Disabled, Show all available quest marks)

Quests.LowLevelHideDiff = 4

# Quests.HighLevelHideDiff

# Description: Level difference between player and quest level at which quests are

# considered high-level and are not shown via exclamation mark (!) at quest

# givers.

# Default: 7 - (Enabled, Hide quests that have 7 levels more than the character)

# -1 - (Disabled, Show all available quest marks)

Quests.HighLevelHideDiff = 7

# Quests.IgnoreRaid

# Description: Allow non-raid quests to be completed while in a raid group.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Quests.IgnoreRaid = 0

# Quests.IgnoreAutoAccept

# Description: Ignore auto accept flag. Clients will have to manually accept all quests.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled, DB values determine if quest is marked auto accept or not.)

# 1 - (Enabled, clients will not be told to automatically accept any quest.)

Quests.IgnoreAutoAccept = 0

# Quests.IgnoreAutoComplete

# Description: Ignore auto complete flag. Clients will have to manually complete all quests.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled, DB values determine if quest is marked auto complete or not.)

# 1 - (Enabled, clients will not be told to automatically complete any quest.)

Quests.IgnoreAutoComplete = 0

# Quests.DailyResetTime

# Description: Hour of the day when daily quest reset occurs.

# Range: 0-23

# Default: 3 - (3:00 AM, Blizzlike)

Quests.DailyResetTime = 3

# Guild.EventLogRecordsCount

# Description: Number of log entries for guild events that are stored per guild. Old entries

# will be overwritten if the number of log entries exceed the configured value.

# High numbers prevent this behavior but may have performance impacts.

# Default: 100

Guild.EventLogRecordsCount = 100

# Guild.ResetHour

# Description: Hour of the day when the daily cap resets occur.

# Range: 0-23

# Default: 6 - (06:00 AM)

Guild.ResetHour = 6

# Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount

# Description: Number of log entries for guild bank events that are stored per guild. Old

# entries will be overwritten if the number of log entries exceed the

# configured value. High numbers prevent this behavior but may have performance

# impacts.

# Default: 25 - (Minimum)

Guild.BankEventLogRecordsCount = 25

# MaxPrimaryTradeSkill

# Description: Maximum number of primary professions a character can learn.

# Range: 0-11

# Default: 2

MaxPrimaryTradeSkill = 2

# MinPetitionSigns

# Description: Number of required signatures on charters to create a guild.

# Range: 0-9

# Default: 9

MinPetitionSigns = 9

# MaxGroupXPDistance

# Description: Max distance to creature for group member to get experience at creature

# death.

# Default: 74

MaxGroupXPDistance = 74

# MaxRecruitAFriendBonusDistance

# Description: Max distance between character and and group to gain the Recruit-A-Friend

# XP multiplier.

# Default: 100

MaxRecruitAFriendBonusDistance = 100

# MinQuestScaledXPRatio

# Description: Min ratio of experience that a quest can grant when player level scaling is factored.

# Example: 50 (No less than 50% experience granted from a lower leveled quests completion)

# 100 (Quests always grant full experience upon completion)

# Default: 0 - (Quests too low may grant no experience)

MinQuestScaledXPRatio = 0

# MinCreatureScaledXPRatio

# Description: Min ratio of experience that a creature kill can grant when player level scaling is factored. This

# will also allow spell procs to trigger, such as Drain Soul, if > 0 and exp is grantable.

# Example: 50 (No less than 50% experience granted from a lower leveled creature kill)

# 100 (Creature kills always grant full experience upon kill)

# Default: 0 - (Creatures too low may grant no experience)

MinCreatureScaledXPRatio = 0

# MinDiscoveredScaledXPRatio

# Description: Min ratio of experience that an area discovery event will grant when player level scaling is factored.

# Example: 50 (No less than 50% experience granted from discovering a new section of map)

# 100 (Map exploration always grant full experience upon discovery)

# Default: 0 - (No experience granted when discovered area is too low level)

MinDiscoveredScaledXPRatio = 0

# MailDeliveryDelay

# Description: Time (in seconds) mail delivery is delayed when sending items.

# Default: 3600 - (1 hour)

MailDeliveryDelay = 3600

# CleanOldMailTime

# Description: The hour at which old mails will be returned or deleted by the server.

# This can be any integer number from 0 to 23. 20 will be 8pm server time.

# Default: 4 - 4am

CleanOldMailTime = 4

# SkillChance.Prospecting

# Description: Allow skill increase from prospecting.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

SkillChance.Prospecting = 0

# SkillChance.Milling

# Description: Allow skill increase from milling.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

SkillChance.Milling = 0

# OffhandCheckAtSpellUnlearn

# Description: Unlearning certain spells can change offhand weapon restrictions

# for equip slots.

# Default: 1 - (Recheck offhand slot weapon at unlearning a spell)

# 0 - (Recheck offhand slot weapon only at zone update)

OffhandCheckAtSpellUnlearn = 1

# ClientCacheVersion

# Description: Client cache version for client cache data reset. Use any value different

# from DB and not recently been used to trigger client side cache reset.

# Default: 0 - (Use DB value from world DB version.cache_id field)

ClientCacheVersion = 0

# Event.Announce

# Description: Announce events.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Event.Announce = 0

# BeepAtStart

# Description: Beep when the world server finished starting.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

BeepAtStart = 1

# Motd

# Description: Message of the Day, displayed at login. Use '@' for a newline.

# Example: "Welcome to John's Server!@This server is proud to be powered by Trinity Core."

# Default: "Welcome to a Trinity Core server."

Motd = "欢迎进入 巫妖王之怒 有任何问题直接联系GM"

# Server.LoginInfo

# Description: Display core version (.server info) on login.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Server.LoginInfo = 0

# Command.LookupMaxResults

# Description: Number of results being displayed using a .lookup command.

# Default: 0 - (Unlimited)

Command.LookupMaxResults = 0

# AllowTickets

# Description: Allow/disallow sending new tickets.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

AllowTickets = 1

# DeletedCharacterTicketTrace

# Description: Keep trace of tickets opened by deleted characters

# gm_ticket.playerGuid will be 0, old GUID and character name

# will be included in gm_ticket.comment

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

DeletedCharacterTicketTrace = 0

# DungeonFinder.OptionsMask

# Description: Dungeon and raid finder system.

# Value is a bitmask consisting of:

# LFG_OPTION_ENABLE_DUNGEON_FINDER = 1, Enable the dungeon finder browser

# LFG_OPTION_ENABLE_RAID_BROWSER = 2, Enable the raid browser

# Default: 1

DungeonFinder.OptionsMask = 1

# DBC.EnforceItemAttributes

# Description: Disallow overriding item attributes stored in DBC files with values from the

# database.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Enforce DBC values)

# 0 - (Disabled, Use database values)

DBC.EnforceItemAttributes = 1

# AccountInstancesPerHour

# Description: Controls the max amount of different instances player can enter within hour.

# Default: 5

AccountInstancesPerHour = 5

# Account.PasswordChangeSecurity

# Description: Controls how secure the password changes are.

# Default: 0 - None (Old and new password)

# 1 - Email (Email confirmation necessary)

# 2 - RBAC (RBAC enable or disables email confirmation per group)

Account.PasswordChangeSecurity = 0

# BirthdayTime

# Description: Set to date of project's birth in UNIX time. By default the date when

# xxxxCorewas started (Thu Oct 2, 2008)

# Default: xxxxxxxxxx

BirthdayTime = xxxxxxxxxx

# CacheDataQueries

# Description: Server caches data queries at startup.

# Can be disabled if not enough memory is available.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

CacheDataQueries = 1


# Updates.EnableDatabases

# Description: A mask that describes which databases shall be updated.

# Following flags are available

# DATABASE_LOGIN = 1, // Auth database

# DATABASE_CHARACTER = 2, // Character database

# DATABASE_WORLD = 4, // World database

# Default: 7 - (All enabled)

# 4 - (Enable world only)

# 0 - (All disabled)

Updates.EnableDatabases = 0

# Updates.AutoSetup

# Description: Auto populate empty databases.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.AutoSetup = 1

# Updates.Redundancy

# Description: Perform data redundancy checks through hashing

# to detect changes on sql updates and reapply it.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.Redundancy = 1

# Updates.ArchivedRedundancy

# Description: Check hashes of archived updates (slows down startup).

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Updates.ArchivedRedundancy = 0

# Updates.AllowRehash

# Description: Inserts the current file hash in the database if it is left empty.

# Useful if you want to mark a file as applied but you don't know its hash.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Updates.AllowRehash = 1

# Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount

# Description: Cleans dead/ orphaned references that occur if an update was removed or renamed and edited in one step.

# It only starts the clean up if the count of the missing updates is below or equal the Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount value.

# This way prevents erasing of the update history due to wrong source directory state (maybe wrong branch or bad revision).

# Disable this if you want to know if the database is in a possible "dirty state".

# Default: 3 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

# -1 - (Enabled - unlimited)

Updates.CleanDeadRefMaxCount = 3


# HotSwap.Enabled (Requires compilation with DYNAMIC_LINKING=1)

# Description: Enables dynamic script hotswapping.

# Reloads scripts on changes.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.Enabled = 1

# HotSwap.ScriptDir

# Description: Directory containing the script shared libraries (.dll/.so).

# Example: "/usr/local/scripts"

# Default: "scripts"

HotSwap.ScriptDir = "scripts"

# HotSwap.EnableReCompiler

# Description: Enables the dynamic script recompiler.

# Watches your script source directories and recompiles the

# script modules on changes.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableReCompiler = 1

# HotSwap.EnableEarlyTermination

# Description: Terminate the build of a module when an associated

# source file was changed meanwhile.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableEarlyTermination = 1

# HotSwap.EnableBuildFileRecreation

# Description: Recreate build files when sources to a module

# were added or removed.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableBuildFileRecreation = 1

# HotSwap.EnableInstall

# Description: Enables cmake install after automatic builds have finished

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnableInstall = 1

# HotSwap.EnablePrefixCorrection

# Description: Allows the core to automatic set the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX

# to it's current location in the filesystem.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

HotSwap.EnablePrefixCorrection = 1

# HotSwap.ReCompilerBuildType

# Description: Defines the build type of the builds invoked by the recompiler.

# Default: "" - Built-in build type of the module is used.

# "Release" - Release builds only

# "Debug" - Debug builds only

HotSwap.ReCompilerBuildType = ""


# Warden.Enabled

# Description: Enable Warden anticheat system.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

Warden.Enabled = 0

# Warden.NumMemChecks

# Description: Number of Warden memory checks that are sent to the client each cycle.

# Default: 3 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Warden.NumMemChecks = 3

# Warden.NumOtherChecks

# Description: Number of Warden checks other than memory checks that are added to request

# each checking cycle.

# Default: 7 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Warden.NumOtherChecks = 7

# Warden.ClientResponseDelay

# Description: Time (in seconds) before client is getting disconnecting for not responding.

# Default: 600 - (10 Minutes)

# 0 - (Disabled, client won't be kicked)

Warden.ClientResponseDelay = 600

# Warden.ClientCheckHoldOff

# Description: Time (in seconds) to wait before sending the next check request to the client.

# A low number increases traffic and load on client and server side.

# Default: 30 - (30 Seconds)

# 0 - (Send check as soon as possible)

Warden.ClientCheckHoldOff = 30

# Warden.ClientCheckFailAction

# Description: Default action being taken if a client check failed. Actions can be

# overwritten for each single check via warden_action table in characters

# database.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled, Logging only)

# 1 - (Kick)

# 2 - (Ban)

Warden.ClientCheckFailAction = 0

# Warden.BanDuration

# Description: Time (in seconds) an account will be banned if ClientCheckFailAction is set

# to ban.

# Default: 86400 - (24 hours)

# 0 - (Permanent ban)

Warden.BanDuration = 86400


# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Calendar

# Description: Allow calendar invites between factions.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Calendar = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel

# Description: Allow channel chat between factions.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Channel = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group

# Description: Allow group joining between factions.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Group = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild

# Description: Allow guild joining between factions.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Guild = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction

# Description: Allow auctions between factions.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 0

# AllowTwoSide.Trade

# Description: Allow trading between factions.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

AllowTwoSide.Trade = 0

# TalentsInspecting

# Description: Allow/disallow inspecting other characters' talents.

# Doesn't affect game master accounts.

# 2 - (Enabled for all characters)

# Default: 1 - (Enabled for characters of the same faction)

# 0 - (Talent inspecting is disabled)

TalentsInspecting = 1


# ThreatRadius

# Description: Distance for creatures to evade after being pulled away from the combat

# starting point. If ThreatRadius is less than creature aggro radius then aggro

# radius will be used.

# Default: 60

ThreatRadius = 60

# Rate.Creature.Aggro

# Description: Aggro radius percentage.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled, 100%)

# 1.5 - (Enabled, 150%)

# 0 - (Disabled, 0%)

Rate.Creature.Aggro = 1

# CreatureFamilyFleeAssistanceRadius

# Description: Distance for fleeing creatures seeking assistance from other creatures.

# Default: 30 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

CreatureFamilyFleeAssistanceRadius = 30

# CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius

# Description: Distance for creatures calling for assistance from other creatures without

# moving.

# Default: 10 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

CreatureFamilyAssistanceRadius = 10

# CreatureFamilyAssistanceDelay

# Description: Time (in milliseconds) before creature assistance call.

# Default: 1500 - (1.5 Seconds)

CreatureFamilyAssistanceDelay = 1500

# CreatureFamilyFleeDelay

# Description: Time (in milliseconds) during which creature can flee if no assistance was

# found.

# Default: 7000 (7 Seconds)

CreatureFamilyFleeDelay = 7000


Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.



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