Orange (法国电信) 的加速器Orange Fab即将于9月28号在Rocket Space 深圳的Tech Campus与Rocket Space Inc. China共同举办Orange Fab 的新创路演活动,届时将有来自首尔、东京、台北及巴黎共10家新创公司进行路演,包括智慧停车管理、企业服务社交软件、智慧网络安全侦测系统、真人即时线上旅游服务、智慧城市大数据服务、创新产品、创新蓝牙应用、创新电池效能管理及智慧健康管理等应用及产品。
现场将会有我们所定向邀请的风投、孵化器及加速器合作伙伴、企业伙伴及新创圈的朋友们、RocketSpace Inc. China的入驻团队等,大家将在Networking Time时进行交流。
RocketSpace Inc. China and Orange Fab is going to host an event on September 28th.
We will have total 10 Orange startups who are from the fields of Smart parking service solution, Enterprise social chatting solutions, Network security & smart monitoring system, Real-time travel-guide service, Smart city & big data collection, Innovative & fashionable gadgets, Multiple audio streaming solution, Smart battery-life management solution, Health-care platform and service, will pitch and demonstrate solutions at the event.
And during the networking time, besides the Orange Fab startups, we will have residents from RocketSpace Inc. China, Venture Capitals and even people with government background.
活动详情Event Detail
2017年 9月28日(星期四) 14:00~17:00 pm
深圳市南山区科园路1001号深圳湾创业投资大厦 (38F) 联才工坊
13:30-14:00 嘉宾报到
14:00-14:10 开场致词
14:10-14:15 介绍 Rocket Space
14:15-14:20 介绍 Orange & Orange Fab
14:20-16:00 新创路演 ( 新创路演及Q&A)
16:00-17:00 交流
14:00-17:00 pm, Sep 28th (Thursday) 2017
Rocket Space Shenzhen Campus, 38F, Shenzhen Bay VC&PE Building, 1001 Keyuan Road,Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China.
14:00-14:10 Opening & Introduction of VIPs
14:10-14:15 Introduction of Rocket Space
14:15-14:20 Introduction about Orange & Orange Fab
14:20-16:00 Orange Fab Startups Pitch, Q&A ( Each startup will have 5-min pitch, and 3-min for Q&A )
16:00-17:00 Networking
Orange Fab 路演项目Orange Fab Startups
企业服务社交通讯软件 (Orange Fab 台北)
Enterprise social chatting solutions (Orange Fab Taipei)
Singularity Infinity
智慧停车及排隊時間預測及管理 (Orange Fab 台北)
Smart parking service solution (Orange Fab Taipei)
B.D Mobile
智慧健康管理 (Orange Fab 台北)
Health-care platform and service (Orange Fab Taipei)
智慧手表 (Orange Fab 首尔)
smart watch (Orange Fab Seoul)
智慧网路安全侦测系统 (Orange Fab 首尔)
Network security & smart monitoring system (Orange Fab Seoul)
Eyes Japan
智慧城市大数据服务 (Orange Fab 东京)
Smart city & big data collection (Orange Fab Tokyo)
创新产品 (Orange Fab 东京)
Innovative & fashionable gadgets (Orange Fab Tokyo)
创新蓝芽应用 (Orange Fab 巴黎 )
Multiple audio streaming solution (Orange Fab Paris )
创新电池效能管理 (Orange Fab 巴黎)
Smart battery-life management solution (Orange Fab Paris)
如何报名How to sign up for this event
But if you are interested in it, please scan the QR code below, and sign up for the event.
Or just send an Email to Mint ( with information including your name, company, title, LinkedIn etc.
关于Orange FabAbout Orange Fab
Orange Fab是法国电信集团的新创公司加速器项目,创立于美国旧金山。这是一个以有意义的方式连接新创公司和企业的平台。Orange Fab支持来自四大洲的新创公司,旨在帮助新创公司发展他们的业务和创造神奇的产品和服务,Orange以及其客户将从中受益。
Orange Fab is the start-up acceleration program of Orange and created in San Francisco.It's a platform connecting startups and corporations in meaningful ways.
The Orange Fab network of start-up accelerators supports start-ups across four continents. Our goal is to help start-ups grow their business and build amazing products and services from which Orange and It's customers will benefit.
关于RocketSpace Inc. ChinaAbout RocketSpace Inc. China
RocketSpace Inc. China (海创空间·联才工坊)是一个聚合人与创意的全球科技生态,致力于为全球顶级创新者,在成长速度,和发展方向上提供必要的加速。让他们与世界1000强公司一起,将未来变成现实。目前成功培养出21个独角兽企业,包括Uber, Spotify, Supercell等,被称为“独角兽摇篮”。
2011年成立于旧金山市,RocketSpace Inc. 的全球科技空间网络已经横跨亚洲、欧洲和澳大利亚,他们的服务是为了帮助科技创业者的扩张而设计。RocketSpace Inc. 的企业创新服务团队利用全世界的创业生态系统帮助助燃全球品牌的创新项目。
RocketSpace Inc. China is a global tech ecosystem. They provide necessary velocity, both speed, and direction, to help the world’s top innovators to bring future to the market. Founded in San Francisco in 2011, they’ve built a global network of technology campus across Asia, Europe, and Australia. Their teams are dedicated to helping global tech startups to scale organically and to fuel corporate innovators’ growth by tapping into their ecosystem all over the world. They’ve accelerated 21 unicorns including Uber, Spotify, Supercell and so forth. They remain vigilant for the success of startups and corporatepartners.
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