近日,有网友在短视频平台称, “南京冷知识,身份证上没有‘江苏’, 这是为什么? ”
随后,陕西、山东、浙江等地网友发现, 西安市、济南市、杭州市的身份证 也同样没有标注省名。 这引发了网友的兴趣。
A recent observation by netizens has brought to light an intriguing detail regarding the identity cards of Nanjing residents, which notably lack the mention of the province "Jiangsu" to which Nanjing belongs. Similarly, individuals from provinces such as Shaanxi, Shandong, and Zhejiang have pointed out a similar absence of provincial names on the identity cards of residents from Xi'an, Jinan and Hangzhou.
从网友发布的图片看, 身份证显示:住址, 南京市……; 公民身份号码: 3201……
有南京网友特地翻出身份证, 果然,南京人的身份证上 没有“江苏省”字样。
Further scrutiny by netizens has revealed that in Jiangsu, excluding Nanjing, the identity cards of residents in other cities prominently feature the label "Jiangsu province" in the address section. This contrast raises the question: why do the identity cards of Nanjing residents omit "Jiangsu province" in their address?
The explanation lies in the regulations outlined by the Ministry of Public Security regarding the issuance of resident identity cards. When indicating the address, it is permissible to omit the province or autonomous region name for provincial capital cities or autonomous region capitals.
As Nanjing serves as a provincial capital city, the omission of the provincial name on its residents' identity cards is in accordance with this rule. Similarly, the absence of provincial names on identity cards from cities like Xi'an, Jinan, and Hangzhou can be attributed to the same regulation.
Moreover, some netizens have shared instances where their identity cards display the address as "Feixi county, Anhui province" without mentioning "Hefei city".
The Ministry of Public Security's regulations on residents' identity cards provide clarity on this matter as well. For county-level cities under prefecture-level cities, the name of the prefecture-level city is excluded when filling in the address, and it is directly written as "... province (autonomous region) ... (county-level) city."
Therefore, beyond provincial capital cities, county identity cards under prefecture-level cities like Xuzhou and Wuxi do not need to specify Xuzhou or Wuxi in their address.
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