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哈罗横琴校长Dr. Max Caruso专访:以学生发展为核心,引领大湾区教育变革





在本期访谈中,京领有幸邀请到了哈罗横琴的校长Dr. Max Caruso马千里博士,来分享他对国际教育的深刻见解。作为一位具有丰富跨文化经验的教育者,Dr. Caruso将教育作为一种生活方式和使命,并因其卓越贡献被评为“亚洲最具影响力的领袖”之一。带着对国际教育的深入理解和领先理念,马千里博士将与我们展开关于学校建设、创新思维与未来展望的精彩对话。


马千里 博士

横琴哈罗礼德学校 外方校长


2013年,马千里博士被澳大利亚教育领袖理事会授予 “学习领导奖”,以表彰他在学校领导力建设方面的卓著贡献。2020年,他被评选为阿联酋最具影响力的教育家之一。2024,因其卓越贡献被评为“亚洲最具影响力的领袖”之一。



Harrow LiDe School Hengqin is the first bilingual and bicultural school in Hengqin to offer full K-12 education to both day and boarding pupils. They opened the doors in February 2021 in the prime location of Hengqing within the Greater Bay Area making it the perfect location for families from Zhuhai, Macau, Zhongshang and Hong Kong.





1. 深层融合:在多元文化中学习




2. 哈罗荣光,横琴新篇




3. 教学革新与区位优势






4. 新角色,新机遇


哈罗横琴马千里校长:这个机会源于五个月前我与澳洲商会的Billy Chen博士的偶然相遇,这对我而言是一个意外的机会。他是一位了不起的人,在我们成为朋友后,我有机会参与了一些澳洲商会举办的活动,包括与澳大利亚驻香港、澳门总领事共进午餐,并有机会与澳门地区的教育工作者和商界人士进行交流。进而,我有机会成为澳门澳洲商会的总监之一。在组织中,我作为哈罗的校长,能够进一步促进学校和澳门之间的深入交流。





































English Version


Bay Area Model, Cultural Continuity:Invigorating Regional Vitalitythrough Leadership


Deep Integration: Learning

within a Multicultural Context

KingLead: How has your work experience in China or the Greater Bay Area influenced your leadership and management of Harrow Hengqin?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:My career is an international one. My journey in China started in 2008, leading international student programmes and then progressing to the appointment as the headmaster of a school that was a new Chinese-British bilingual school near Shanghai. This experience gave me my first taste of Chinese education and the development of a public school system in China, which is a very nurturing experience in terms of my personal leadership improvement and my understanding of Chinese education and culture. In the field of education, Chinese children face unique needs, especially those who move from public schools to bilingual or international schools, with different challenges and opportunities. These experiences have influenced my leadership at Harrow Hengqin School.

Our school is located in Hengqin, the heart of the Greater Bay Area and the hub of Macau's deep Cooperation Zone. Geographical advantages have broadened my horizons and made me deeply aware that children have unique needs. As a a British international school, Harrow Hengqin does not pursue the superficial integration of Eastern and Western cultures, but rather through what I call a transcultural methodology and learning –an approach where we learn about culture and through culture itself.Hengqin's development and deepening cooperation with Macau have provided us with great opportunities and resources of educational innovation.


Harrow's Glory Shines Bright in Hengqin

KingLead: Looking back on the history of Harrow Hengqin, what is the proudest aspect of the school at present?

Head Masterof Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:There are many proud aspects of our school. The fact that we are first and foremost a Harrow school. For all of us,the first thing everyone does is embrace its mission and vision to move forward. It's supported by robust holistic and pastoral structures. So in Harrow Hengqin, the education focuses on forming holistic development socially and academically, and it is underpinned by the development of character. So, I'm very proud of the fact that we have been able to create, in such a short space of time, an educational system and outcomes that allow our children to thrive in their own identities and spaces. I'm very proud of this achievement.

I am also extremely proud that the provision we offer at Harrow Hengqin is open to the children of the greater bay area—whether they are from Hong Kong, Macau, local Zhuhai residents, or from the Guangdong region. Furthermore, in fact, because of our excellent boarding facilities and programs, many families are coming from northern China. They are hearing about us and deliberately choosing Harrow Hengqin for the education that we provide. I am very proud of our Harrow curriculum, an international bilingual curriculum designed to foster a bilingual mindset, providing children the opportunity to be academically superior. As with learning music, the effect of bilingual education on cognitive processes in the brain is an excellent way for young children to develop academically, socially and emotionally.


Education Innovation and

Regional Advantage

KingLead: In the current field of international education, what are the common problems faced by Head Masters? What kind of support should be obtained?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:Education is subject to a multitude of significant influences, which manifest in various ways.

When the pandemic rampaged three or four years ago, educators globally were compelled to swiftly change the way of educational delivery for our children. Today, we kept calling it 'online learning,' but it wasn't true online learning. In fact, this kind of online learning is due to none of us were trained to provide education online, we had to learn how to do that, so it is more akin to emergency remote teaching. These changes posed as many challenges as they did opportunities. One of the most substantial challenges we currently face is the integration ofartificial intelligenceand its potential impact on learning. This will affect the delivery of methodologies, influencing how children think, how teachers conceptualize, and how they develop educational programs or curricula within their learning environments. We are all navigating these changes, and the pace of this change is indeed a challenge for all of us.

Then, in terms of international schools, the peaks and troughs of the economy are also things that we have to deal with. Because if it is a purely international school, then the number of specialists coming into a particular area may be influenced by the number of companies and factories, which in turn brings in the expected number of children and families to an area. For us, we are slightly more protected around that because many of our students are of Chinese nationality. Nevertheless, the ebb and flow of the economy and the various developments across China's regions will undoubtedly have an impact. Harrow Hengqin is undoubtedly fortunate due to the increasingly deepened collaboration between Hengqin and Macau.

In addition, a family chooses to enter the Greater Bay Area largely because of the significant pull factor of the area. There are great things happening in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and the whole of Guangdong Province. I think Hengqin in particular is worth watching because it's growing at an amazing rate. At the same time, I have a wonderful connection with the education board in Hengqin, the right supporters of the school. I know that they are working very hard to promote education in this region, which not only opens up opportunities for schools in Macau but also creates conditions for further development of schools in the region. This is a very positive phenomenon. Today, the challenge becomes an opportunity. As a headmaster, how to identify and seize these opportunities and follow the trend is the biggest challenge.


New Opportunities

Come with the New Role

KingLead: As the director of the Austcham Macau, could you please describe your role in the organisation and how your new position will benefit Harrow Hengqin and the students?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:This opportunity originated from my occasional encounter with Dr. Billy Chen of the Austcham five months ago, which was an unexpected opportunity for me. He was a wonderful man, and since we started to interact and became friends, I have had the opportunity to attend the numerous activities that were held by Austcham, including lunch with the Australian Consul-General in Hong Kong and Macau, and the opportunity to be amongst educators of and business people from the Macau. Furthermore, I had the opportunity to become one of the directors of Austcham Macau. In the organization, as the headmaster of Harrow, I am able to further promote in-depth exchanges between the school and Macau.

Recently, I was asked to deliver a speech based on an article that was written about myself through the Knowledge Review magazine. The speech was delivered to an audience of more than 60 people who are business people, diplomats, professors, teachers, educators and parents. After introducing Harrow Hengqin through my professional experience, we made contact with a number of potential partners, including universities in Macau, parents and enterprises. By the same token, the Australian Chamber of Commerce is not an independent organisation, but is widely linked to a number of other organizations. Therefore, through it, I can establish contacts with the Chamber of Commerce in Macau, Europe and the UK, which in turn provides opportunities for the school. That's why I accepted the position and the challenge directly. This is a very powerful source of collaboration that opens up doors for the school and for our kids.


Forward-thinking Vision,

Boundless Horizons:

Cultivating Future Leaders

KingLead: How is the "Educational Excellence for Life and Leadership" and four core values reflected in the actual implement of Harrow Hengqin?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:These values are taught by words and deeds, which means that we help students incorporate them into their lives. For example, if you visit the school and walk through its corridors, most children will look you in the eye. They'll say "welcome," "hello," and "how are you?" Some will even come up and introduce themselves to you. It speaks to the values of our school, which include Humility and Fellowship that are both explicitly taught and implicitly implied. Our holistic education creates the conditions for these four core values to be lived and experienced every single day. Our pastoral care system and vertical house system allow for these four core values to be lived and experienced daily.

Recently, I had the pleasure of presenting one of our students with the rare "Head Master's Award." This award is given only occasionally throughout the year to students who exemplify our four core values. This particular student was at a shopping mall when he noticed a little child who was lost. So he approached the child, summoned the staff, and helped the child and the staff find the parents. The parent of the lost child contacted the school and told us, "He could have ignored it, but he reached out his hand. And among all the people there, he was the one who helped my child reconnect with us." This student exemplified the best of our values, showing great Honour, Courage, Humility, and Fellowship.

KingLead: As a member of the Harrow family, how does Harrow Hengqin integrate into the Harrow global network, and what specific impacts does this connection bring to your students?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:Since the pandemic has ended, this emerging aspect has become increasingly relevant. Over the past year, we have been able to physically connect with Harrow schools around the world, including those in Chongqing, Beijing, London, Hong Kong, and Bangkok. Teachers from various schools can visit each other to communicate, creating a state of interconnectedness. The children are involved in sports, music, and academic interactions. We hosted thefirst-ever Harrow Chinese debate competition, where Harrow schools sent representatives to Hengqin for the finals. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children. The competition itself was significant; it wasn't just about bringing students together—they chatted, interacted, and got to know one another. The concept of the "Harrow family" became tangible as they were physically connected.

the Harrow Chinese Debate Competition

Now, instead of merely thinking, "This is a Harrow school in another city," they are genuinely getting to know each other. Harrow Hengqin's teachers travel to London for professional development during the summer. Previously, we had a great opportunity when the Harrow School London Orchestra came and spent an afternoon with us. We collaborated with our music director, and together they delivered an exceptional masterclass for our students and those from Harrow, London. The children were in the audience, experiencing the wonderful musical learning opportunity and the real performance and concert. The Harrow Hengqin orchestra is quite young, having only started this year. However, the music at Harrow London is world-class, so there is much our students can learn from interacting with these London school boys, and vice versa. For our teachers, bonds of lifelong friendship were woven through the interactions during that afternoon gathering.

Harrow School London Orchestra

KingLead: What does a bilingual education truly represent and what opportunity does it provide for Chinese students?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:Bilingual education is extremely important. As I have mentioned previously, it cultivatesa bilingual mindset, which createsa capacity for thinking and doing. Moreover, it enhancescritical analysis. Globally, students in bilingual learning environments perform better in this aspects.

For Chinese students and those of Chinese nationality, Mandarin as a mother tongue is undoubtedly a powerful communication tool. However, English remains an important language in academic research and career development. Nevertheless, Chinese is becoming far more prominent globally as China continues to position herself on the world stage and exert greater influence.

For our Chinese students, learning the English language and thinking in English is crucial for developing a global mindset while remaining grounded in their national identity. This balance is fundamental. Similarly, for non-Chinese nationals attending our school, learning Chinese is equally important. I am aware that many Chinese nationals have returned or are returning to China for various reasons, and they often prefer to enroll their children in bilingual schools. These students may possess English proficiency and an understanding of Western education, but they also seek to reintroduce Chinese thinking, culture, and language. On the other hand, we have children from Western countries who wish to come to China to immerse themselves in the Chinese language and culture for similar reasons.

KingLead: What do you think is the biggest challenge for international schools in China currently?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:There are many challenges at the moment for international schools in China. One common challenge is developing an educational provision that fits with the cultural understanding and identity of the region we are in. It is essential to understand not only the needs of our Chinese students and the expectations of their parents but also to have a deep understanding of the local requirements. We recognize that our parents are highly aspirational: they desire for their children to succeed academically, achieve great grades once they go through the A-Levels, and gain entry into the world's top universities.

However, how they get there, the type of person they become, and the character they develop are also crucial. The cultural resilience that develops over time allows them to be successful in obtaining university entrance, and it is crucial for their future career development after graduating from school. Thiscultural resilienceis precisely what should be cultivated within China's international education system.


Child-Centric Education:

Placing Students at the

Center of All Endeavors

KingLead: What is the source of innovation and transformation of your school, and how to achieve that innovation in curriculum, staff team, and admissions?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:The source of innovation is our children. They are the greatest source of innovation. As I’ve mentioned before, "placing children at the center of collective thought". We need to take into account the mix of children in the international curriculum, while being true to both the Chinese national curriculum and the Harrow curriculum. How to create conditions in the classroom to develop the huge Chinese national curriculum and start learning under those conditions to foster innovation. At the same time, as a professional learning community, our teachers are not constantly looking for change, because the pursuit of change and innovation itself is pointless. Only by paying more attention to the core needs of children and thinking about how to develop creatively can we achieve innovation. So, it's not innovation for innovation's sake, but change for impact's sake. Innovations must have an impact on children's education and the purpose of holistic education.

KingLead: You have advocated for "placing children at the center of collective thoughts and endeavors", and how is this reflected in your daliy work?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:We have a shared belief that we are all educators, and in we are all teachers in every interaction we have with children, crafting educationally rich environments. It emphasizes the concept of placing the child at the center of their thinking.

Now, if I'm going to make a change in terms of a leadership structure, for example, my rationale must be grounded in purpose. Could it be for the staff's welfare? Or is it to foster a better structure that works well in the school course? But in the end, how does it affect the child? Will this change make the life of the child at the school better or not? Will that influence the academic, social, emotional outcomes of the child? That's the core thinking.

When things were functioning adequately, we drove change based on strategic analysis. For example, we transitioned from a horizontal strategy and methodology in pastoral care to a vertical one, similar to the house system at Harrow School in London. This transition comes as we recognize the benefits of the vertical house system, such as it enhances personal tutoring for the students, and students can exhibit greater happiness, a stronger sense of belonging, and heightened empathy within their houses. This environment fosters collaboration, fellowship, and the embodiment of our four core values. So, why embrace such a substantial structural change? Because it places the children at the heart of our strategic thinking.

KingLead: How does the ethos of "cultivating a community where every stakeholder thrives" affect the school culture and a holistic approach to education?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:The best way to do that is to create the conditions for our students to be involved. And being involved means they have a seat at the decision-making table. We create this community through thishouse system, and these communities of home are parts of the greater whole -- Harrow Hengqin. Children can participate in many activities and get together in the house. It's not just about the competition between houses, it's about what they generate within the concept of the activities that we have.

The house singing competition and the house movie competition take children together again around one of the four values, mainly out of recognition of the "Honour." They create their own concepts through the medium of film, they create role-plays and stories. These are the ideas I'm talking about how we are able to generate this concept of holistic education by giving children experiential learning. Drama is a channel to play, create or experience different roles and achieve a deeper self-awareness for children. One of the drama that we are looking at is the Diary of Anne Frank. That is a very poignant story. It allows our children to immerse themselves in the terrible, true story of this child during World War II, enabling them to deeply understand their character and then express it authentically with themselves. In addition, by giving children the capacity to play and the opportunity to be on stage through choirs, orchestras and bands, many children get involved in music programs. As far as I know, we are the only school in the area that offers a violin programme in the Grade 1 and Grade 2. Because teaching this instrument is good for the development of children, and it all adds to that concept of holistic development of the child.

The House Activity

the House Movie Competition

KingLead: With a career spanning diverse international environments, you have emphasised fostering global citizenship. So, how does your school cultivate students' global citizenship and cultural understanding?

Head Master of Harrow Hengqin Dr. Caruso:I emphasize activities that build skills and abilities and their positive effect on innovative thinking. As an international school, based on a widely influential campus culture and educational approach, our education should also provide them with the capacity to open up their hearts and minds. To expose children to knowledge, a way of being and thinking that allows them to create the concepts of global understanding and global citizenship.

Since our goal is to develop future leaders, we expect their leadership is based on a global understanding, which is based on a deep understanding of their own nation. So our culture is very important. I don't want our children to see the world solely through Western or British lenses. As influencers, I want them to be influenced, but to see the world through their own Chinese cultural context. I think that's really important, that's what makes us different; that's what gives us our uniqueness.









京领 KingLead


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