







加纳在2018年缺席世界杯后重返世界杯。他们在2010年和2014年有黄金一代,他们不记得2010年与乌拉圭在1 / 4决赛的战斗。他们经历了一场革命,却再也没能回到当时的技术水平。尽管取得了资格,但他们的状态并不好。今年2月,在坎,他们出人意料地在小组赛中被加蓬和科摩罗群岛淘汰。这对他们来说是一个打击,也是事情进展不顺利的征兆。尽管如此,他们还是成功地在季后赛中以主场0-0和客场1-1的比分淘汰了尼日利亚。根据客场进球数,他们成功晋级。但尽管如此,他们非常幸运,不值得。尼日利亚在两场比赛中都表现出色,特别是在第二场比赛中,奥西莫恩的越位进球引起了很大争议。简而言之,他们是一个脆弱的选择。但是联邦知道这一点,正在尝试一个非常强硬的归化政策。有3名球员从未代表加纳参加过任何比赛,现在他们将参加世界杯。T.兰普提(右后卫)效力于布莱顿,M.萨利苏(中卫)效力于南安普顿,Iñaki威廉姆斯(前锋)效力于阿特尔。毕尔巴鄂和他承诺将成为球队的明星。但这在球员之间的环境方面存在一些问题,有3名球员作为首发球员,因此一些球员将失去他们的位置。我们知道,非洲球队之间的球员关系从来都不容易

在我看来,葡萄牙有潜力成为争冠的热门球队之一,他们带着对比赛的巨大期望来到这里。这支球队的技术水平是世界上最好的球队之一,在葡萄牙,人们一致认为这是这个国家有史以来最好的一代。各个领域都有年轻球员和成熟球员。波尔图的D.科斯塔(门将)和本菲卡的António席尔瓦(中卫)在本届欧冠中表现出色,保证了一个名额。坎塞洛(人。迪亚斯(R. Dias)。曼城),N.门德斯(PSG),达尼洛(PSG), B.费尔南德斯(曼联)。曼联),拉斐尔Leão (AC米兰),b·席尔瓦(Man。曼城)和c罗(天哪!曼联)是该队的一些球星。这个问题和球迷的不信任与教练桑托斯有关。他赢得了2016年欧洲杯,这是该国历史上的第一个冠军,他仍然活在荣耀中。在那个时候,这支球队在技术上更有限,防守更强,但现在情况已经改变了。这支球队技术水平很高,无论对手是谁,他们都应该接管比赛,但他们踢得非常防守。因此,这些球员的全部潜力似乎没有被挖掘出来,从而导致了一些不信任。这在很大程度上取决于第一场比赛的进展,以及球队是否获得了信心,因为潜力是存在的。这是c罗的最后一届世界杯,他想证明自己仍然可以踢出高水平的比赛,用本赛季发生的事情让批评他的人闭嘴。野心不会让他们失望。




兔妹解析世界杯B组:英伦德比 波斯铁骑硬撼美国








Hello guys!

For the first time in history we are going to have a World Cup during the Northern Hemisphere winter and that will bring a lot of new dynamics. The players will be in peak form of the season but at the same time there will be less training time between them to prepare for the World Cup. So I expect games with a lot of intensity and some tactical problems. I believe there will be fewer surprises as usual and the favorites will eventually advance.

Group H is made up of South Korea, Ghana, Portugal and Uruguay. It is a group with clear 2 favorites to pass the next phase, Portugal and Uruguay. South Korea and Ghana hope to create a surprise but I doubt that will happen.

South Korea is in its 10th consecutive participation in the World Cup, where the best result was at home in 2002 when they reached the semi-finals of the competition. They managed to qualify for the world championship without much difficulty but also without being exuberant. The difference in technical quality between the Asian teams is very large and they usually always manage to qualify. I've seen some of their games and I can't be enamored with this team. They have a Portuguese coach, Paulo Bento, who I personally think is very limited. He has difficulties in relationships with players and likes to impose himself, which usually brings difficulties. Also tactically not impressive. They have two stars, Napoli defender Kim Min-jae and world star Son Heung-min, Tottenham striker. They will try to be very strong defensively and be able to get out quickly in counterattack to exploit Son's speed. The problem is that Son is injured and may not reach the World Cup in the best physical condition.

Ghana returns to the World Cup after the absence in 2018. They had a golden generation in 2010 and 2014, who doesn't remember the battle in 2010 with Uruguay in the quarter finals. They went through a revolution and never managed to get back to the same technical level as that time. Despite achieving qualification, they are not in a good phase. In February, at Can, they were surprisingly eliminated in the group stage by Gabon and the Comoros Islands. It was a shock to them and a symptom of how things are not going well. Despite this, they managed to eliminate Nigeria in the playoffs, 0-0 at home and 1-1 away. They managed to qualify by the criterion of goals scored away. But despite that, they were very lucky and didn't deserve it. Nigeria was much superior during both games, especially in the second game and Osimhen had an offside goal that was very controversial. In short, they are a fragile selection. But the federation, knowing this, is trying a very strong naturalization policy. There are 3 players who have never participated in any competition for Ghana and are just going to play the World Cup now. T. Lamptey (right defence) for Brighton, M. Salisu (central defence) for Southampton and Iñaki Williams (striker) for Atl. Bilbao and who promises to be the star of the team. But this has some problems in terms of the environment between the players, there are 3 players who arrive to be starters and for that some will lose their place. And we know that player relationships between African teams are never easy.

Portugal for me has the potential to be one of the big favorites for the title and they arrive with great expectations for the competition. The technical quality of the team is one of the best in the world, in Portugal it is unanimous that it is the best generation ever in the country. There is quality in all sectors with young players and established players. D. Costa (goalkeeper) from Porto and António Silva (central defender) from Benfica impressed in this Champions League and guaranteed a place. J. Cancelo (Man. City), R. Dias (Man. City), N. Mendes (PSG), Danilo (PSG), B. Fernandes (Man. United), Rafael Leão (AC Milan), B. Silva ( Man. City) and Cristiano Ronaldo (Man. United) are some of the team's stars. The problem and the distrust of the fans has to do with the coach F. Santos. He won EURO 2016, which was the first title in the country's history, and he still lives on from that glory. At the time the team was more technically limited and played defensively, but now things have changed. The team has a lot of technical quality and should take over the game against whoever it was, but they play very defensively. So it seems that the full potential of these players is not extracted and leads to some mistrust. It will depend a lot on how the first games go and whether the team gains confidence or not because the potential is there. It's the last World Cup for Cristiano Ronaldo and he wants to prove that he can still play at a high level and silence the critics with what's happening this season. Ambition will not fail them.

Uruguay is going through a period of reformulation. O. Tabarez left the command of the team after 15 years, he transformed Uruguay into one of the world's protagonists after years of ostracism. The generation that enchanted between 2010 and 2018 got old and it was necessary to start a renovation. That's why Diego Alonso was hired for his place and he brought a breath of fresh air. Qualifying for the world championship was in jeopardy and with 4 rounds to go they were out of the qualifying zone. Only that they managed 4 consecutive victories in the last 4 rounds and guaranteed their presence in the world cup, in addition to increasing the country's confidence in their players. The team will be a mix of experienced players with some promises from the country. Bentancur (Tottenham) in midfield tries to give stability to the quality of Arrascaeta (Flamengo) and Valverde (Real Madrid) to stand out and serve L. Suarez. There are still Cavani and Darwin in attack as options. They traditionally have a very fierce football and combine the technical quality of attacking midfielders and attackers. I believe they will have a reasonable World Cup but without the strength to dream of something bigger.


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