
2017-07-10 21:26:35 作者:渣尔杜姆 来源: 风暴大厅 0人参与




UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/AnnouncerPack=%rarity%播报员 /// %rarity% Announcer



UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Banner=%rarity%旗帜 /// %rarity% Banner

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Boost=%rarity%强化剂 /// %rarity% Stimpack

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Bundle=%rarity%包 /// %rarity% Bundle

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Emoticon=%rarity%表情 /// %rarity% Emoji

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Gold=%rarity%金币 /// %rarity% Gold

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Hero=%rarity%英雄 /// %rarity% Hero

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Mount=%rarity%坐骑 /// %rarity% Mount

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/PortraitPack=%rarity%头像 /// %rarity% Portrait

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Shards=%rarity%碎片 /// %rarity% Shards

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Skin=%rarity%皮肤 /// %rarity% Skin

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Spray=%rarity%喷漆 /// %rarity% Spray

UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/VoiceLine=%rarity%语音 /// %rarity% Voice Line



UI/LootChest/Rewards/Type/Bundle=%rarity%包 /// %rarity% Bundle

如果要奶箱子开神器的话,请先奶一口箱子开礼包 (大雾)












VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed00=想说什么就说什么。 /// Speak freely.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed01=没必要跟我讲客套话。 /// There is no need for formality.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed02=我可是“非常规战”大师。 /// I am a master of "unconventional" warfare.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed03=我身体的每一部分都让我感到无比恶心。但这并不意味着我会放弃战斗。 /// Everything about what I've become disgusts me. But that does not mean I intend to stop fighting.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed04=命运对我如此不公,我感觉这一切都毫无意义。 /// I'd be more nihilistic if I wasn't so fatalistic.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed05=没错。我的手臂在生长时是非常痛苦的。谢谢你提醒了我。 /// да. When my arm grows it is VERY painful. Thank you for reminding me.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed06=不过有个好处是,现在扳手腕没人能扳的赢我。 /// On, the plus side, I've gotten very good at arm wrestling lately.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed07=对其他人来说这衣服会不会热了点?我多么希望自己能脱掉这身外套。 /// Is it hot to anyone else? (to self)How I wish I could take off this jacket.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed08=杜兰以前用我做实验时,我心想肯定要坏事儿。结果,就坏成了这样。 /// While Duran was experimenting on me, I used to tell myself it could always get worse. Then, it got worse.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed09=病毒既不是活的,也不是死的。它是……另一种状态。存在的目的只是为了感染和控制活体。<beat>我知道这种感觉。 /// A virus is neither alive, nor dead. It is... other. Existing only to plague and control the living. <beat> I know the feeling.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed10=是谁把“我与斯托科夫同在”的记号放在我背上的?是你吗? /// Who put this "I'm with Stukov" sign on my back? Was it you? ...NOT funny!

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed11=别点那儿!那只会让我以前的脊梁骨发麻。 /// Don't click there! It sends shivers down what used to be my spine.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed12=我想起我上一次去健身房忘了练腿部肌肉了。喔不对,是忘了练我的“麒麟臂”。 /// Come to think of it the last time I went to the gym I did skip leg day. Oh, and "other arm" day.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed13=金田?他是谁?为什么我会有种想把他干掉的冲动呢? /// Kaneda? Who is that? And why do I want to crush him?

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Pissed14=对于我的敌人而言,被斯托科夫感染的那天是他们人生中最可怕的一天。而对于我来说,那只是个星期二。 /// For my enemy, the day Stukov infested their team was the most horrifying experience of their lives. To me, it was a tuesday.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/UI_Purchase00=这下只有死亡才能将你我分开。 /// Till death takes us both.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/No00=不行。 /// No.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/No01=哈。哈哈哈。 /// Hah. Hahaha.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/MatchEnd02=请奉承我几句吧。 /// Please, you flatter me.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Abathur00=进化大师。哼。真让我惊讶,你竟然敢如此接近正面战场。 /// The evolution master. Hmph. I am surprised to see you so close to actual combat.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Degenerate00=机械人?你肯定是来自于净化项目出来之前的某个时间点。真有趣。 /// A cyborg? You must come from a time before Project Purification. How very interesting.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Duran00=杜兰?命运在嘲弄我,我懂了。 /// Duran? Fate mocks me, I see.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Kerrigan00=刀锋女王……这应该会是一次有趣的消遣。 /// The Queen of Blades... This should prove an amusing diversion.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Malthael00=死亡的化身。或许打完这场仗,你可以让我从折磨中解脱? /// The Aspect of Death. Perhaps after this, you can release me from my torment?

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Morales00=莫拉莉斯中尉。我很想称你为叛徒,但是……我们所有人不都是吗? /// Lieutenant Morales. I could call you a traitor but... aren't we all?

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Murky00=我真的要和一只连鳞片都没长齐的小鱼一起作战吗? /// Am I truly to wage war with a pre-pubescent fish at my side?

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Protoss00=噢,很好,是星灵……我早就准备好今天来听一番大道理了。 /// Oh, good, the protoss... I was hoping to get an indulgent lecture today.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Terran00=泰伦人。我像憎恨自己一样憎恨你们。 /// Terrans. I despise you almost as much I as despise myself.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Zagara00=我们的命运又一次交汇了,女王扎加拉。 /// Our paths cross once again, Overqueen Zagara.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Zarya00=你好,同志! /// Greetings, comrade!

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroQuestion_Zerg00=<scoff>异虫。看来即便是到这里我也甩不掉你们啊。 /// <scoff> The zerg. It seems not even here I can escape you.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Abathur00=存活是我最擅长的。 /// Survival is what I am best at.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Degenerate00=曾经有段时间,我把你们这种怪物视为堕落者。真是讽刺。 /// There was a time I would have considered you and your kind degenerates. Ironic.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_DismissTwo00=滚吧。你无法匹敌我的力量。 /// Get lost. You can't compare with my powers.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Dismissive00=你讲话的权利被剥夺了。 /// Your permission to speak has been revoked.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Duran00=我曾经杀过你,杜兰。我会毫不犹豫地再做一次。 /// I have killed you before, Duran. I will not hesitate to do it again.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Falstad00=在他们改主意之前,至少你的尸体没有被扔到太空里。 /// At least your corpse wasn't shot into space before they changed their mind.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Kerrigan00=我很怀疑。 /// Doubtful.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Malthael00=对我不管用。 /// Not for me.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Morales00=你可以啊,中尉。难道跟你的前任中将讲话就是这种态度? /// Come now, lieutenant. Is that any way to speak to your former Vice Admiral?

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Murky00=我有更要紧的事要做,没工夫跟晚餐打交道。 /// I have better things to do than socialize with dinner.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Terran00=等哪天UED卷土重来,我希望他们把你们一举消灭。 /// When the UED returns, I hope they crush you.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Zagara00=可惜我不这么想。 /// If only I felt likewise.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Zarya00=我们什么时候一起坐下来聊聊。我好想念祖国的青山绿水。 /// We should swap stories sometime. How I miss the green hills of our home.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_Zerg00=抱歉,不过,嗯……我认识你吗?你们异虫长得都差不多。 /// Apologies, but umm... Do I know you? You zerg tend to blend together.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/IntroResponse_ZergNeg00=我之前效忠的是凯瑞甘,不是你们这些虫子。 /// My allegiance was to Kerrigan. Not to you.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Kill00=也许这下你明白了。 /// Perhaps now you understand.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Kill01=你被征召了。 /// Consider yourself a conscript.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Kill02=我稍微有点嫉妒。 /// I am slightly jealous.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Kill03=下地狱去吧。 /// To hell with you.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/Kill04=说晚安吧。 /// Say goodnight.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillAbathur00=我从来都不喜欢那只大肉虫。 /// I never liked that slug.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillDehaka00=五十七比四十三。我赢了。 /// Fifty-seven to fourty-three. My favor.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillFearless00=在一个感觉不到恐惧的人面前你算老几? /// What are you to a man who feels no fear?

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillKerrigan00=就当这是我的辞呈吧。 /// Consider this my resignation.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillMorales00=你被解职了,中尉。 /// You are dismissed, lieutenant.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillProtoss00=你让我很失望,外星来的家伙。 /// I am not impressed, alien.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillSgtHammer00=我从来都不是攻城坦克的粉丝。 /// I have never been a fan of siege tanks.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillTerran00=你们这帮流放星区中的异类。 /// Backwater peasants all of you.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillZagara00=感染体不效忠虫母。 /// The infested serve no queen.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillZarya00=永别了。 /// Dasvidanya.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/KillZerg00=在怪物面前,野兽也活不了。 /// What is a beast before a monster?

VoiceOver/StukovBase/AI_Heal00=你这伤一时半会儿好不了。快去找泉水。 /// That will not heal easily. Get to a fountain.

VoiceOver/StukovBase/AI_Heal01=喜欢游走在生与死的边缘?哈,我很欣赏你。 /// Living dangerously, I see? Hah, I like it.

VoiceOver/StukovA/PlayerAbandon00=一名英雄逃跑了。如果你找到他们,就地枪决。 /// A hero has deserted. If you find them, shoot them.

VoiceOver/StukovA/PlayerIdle00=一名英雄在发呆。不可接受。 /// A hero has gone idle. Unacceptable.

VoiceOver/StukovA/PlayerRejoin00=看看是谁爬回来了。 /// Look who has come crawling back.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroSelectPlayer00=我也是见过大风大浪的人了。不过让我亲自上战场?这还是头一遭。 /// I have seen many things. But seeing myself walk upon the battlefield? THAT is new.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroSelectPlayer01=你选的这位被感染的指挥官有一张相似的面孔……我喜欢他的帽子。 /// This infested commander you have chosen has a familiar look... I like his hat.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroSelectPlayer02=这是什么意思?你想让我给你播报并替你战斗?为什么所有人都不想让我安生呢? /// What is this? You want to me announce AND fight for you? Why will no one let me rest?

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroKill00=永别了。 /// Dasvidanya.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroKill01=说晚安吧。 /// Say goodnight.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroKill02=敌人阵亡。 /// Enemy slain.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroKill03=已被消灭。 /// Eliminated.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroKill04=确认击杀。 /// Kill confirmed.

VoiceOver/StukovA/HeroKill05=那位,死得好惨。 /// That one, did not die well.


Mount/Name/MountBattleBeastEsport17Base=混沌蜥蜴 /// Chaos Lizard

Mount/Name/MountBattleBeastEsport17BaseVar1=致命混沌蜥蜴 /// Deadly Chaos Lizard

Mount/Name/MountBattleBeastEsport17BaseVar2=魔法混沌蜥蜴 /// Arcane Chaos Lizard

Mount/Name/MountBattleBeastEsport17Epic=史诗混沌蜥蜴 /// Epic Chaos Lizard

Mount/Name/MountBattleBeastEsport17EpicVar1=致命史诗混沌蜥蜴 /// Deadly Epic Chaos Lizard

Mount/Name/MountBattleBeastEsport17EpicVar2=魔法史诗混沌蜥蜴 /// Arcane Epic Chaos Lizard

Mount/Name/MountDirewolf_Esport17Epic=史诗混沌狼 /// Epic Chaos Wolf

Mount/Name/MountDirewolf_Esport17EpicVar1=致命史诗混沌狼 /// Deadly Epic Chaos Wolf

Mount/Name/MountDirewolf_Esport17EpicVar2=狂怒史诗混沌狼 /// Furious Epic Chaos Wolf

Mount/Name/MountDirewolf_Esport17_00=混沌狼 /// Chaos Wolf

Mount/Name/MountDirewolf_Esport17_00Var1=致命混沌狼 /// Deadly Chaos Wolf

Mount/Name/MountDirewolf_Esport17_00Var2=暴怒混沌狼 /// Furious Chaos Wolf

Skin/Info/NecromancerClassic=遵照孟德恩的要求,镶嵌在祖尔铠甲内部的白骨象征着他对死亡的驾驭力,而头盔则是一个可怕的警示物,提醒着所有人死亡如影随行。 /// In accordance with Mendeln's decrees, the bones inlaid within Xul's armor serve as a symbol of his mastery over death and the helm as a grim reminder that death surrounds us all.

Mount/Info/MountBattleBeastEsport17Base=很少有生物能像这些蛮兽一样对时空枢纽的生活适应有加。混沌蜥蜴不愿向它的力量屈服,转而吸收了这股力量,并由此获得了进化。 /// Few creatures have adapted to life in the Nexus as well as these beasts. Rather than succumb to its power, the chaos lizards instead absorb it and evolve.

Mount/Info/MountBattleBeastEsport17Epic=史诗混沌蜥蜴身披重甲,满溢着时空枢纽的力量,骑着它的人甫一登场,就足以奠定胜局。 /// Adorned in heavy armor and brimming with the power of the Nexus, the mere sight of an epic chaos lizard and its rider can be enough to turn the tide of battle.

Mount/Info/MountDirewolf_Esport17_00=由时空枢纽的动荡能量塑造而成的狼永远无法被真正驯服。但是众所周知,有资格的人还是可以赢得它们的尊敬和忠诚。 /// Wolves shaped from the volatile energies of the Nexus can never truly be tamed. Those who are worthy, however, have been known to win their respect and loyalty.

Mount/Info/MountDirewolf_Esport17_01=装甲混沌战狼由时空枢纽打造,经过了战争的洗礼,是原始力量的化身。只有真正卓越的人才能骑上它们冲入战场。 /// Forged from the Nexus and tempered by conflict, the armored chaos wolves are raw power made manifest. Only the truly remarkable can ride them into battle.





(原文来源:NGA 作者: 渣尔杜姆)

本文来源:风暴大厅 责任编辑:邹金珂_CMS7021
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