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# WorldBossLevelDiff

# Description: World boss level difference.

# Default: 3

WorldBossLevelDiff = 3


# Corpse.Decay.NORMAL

# Corpse.Decay.RARE

# Corpse.Decay.ELITE

# Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE

# Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS

# Description: Time (in seconds) until creature corpse will decay if not looted or skinned.

# Default: 60 - (1 Minute, Corpse.Decay.NORMAL)

# 300 - (5 Minutes, Corpse.Decay.RARE)

# 300 - (5 Minutes, Corpse.Decay.ELITE)

# 300 - (5 Minutes, Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE)

# 3600 - (1 Hour, Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS)

Corpse.Decay.NORMAL = 60

Corpse.Decay.RARE = 300

Corpse.Decay.ELITE = 300

Corpse.Decay.RAREELITE = 300

Corpse.Decay.WORLDBOSS = 3600


# Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted

# Description: Multiplier for Corpse.Decay.* to configure how long creature corpses stay

# after they have been looted.

# Default: 0.5

Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted = 0.5


# Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage

# Description: Mulitplier for creature melee damage.

# Default: 1 - (Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage)


Rate.Creature.Normal.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.Damage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.Damage = 1


# Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage

# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage

# Description: Mulitplier for creature spell damage.

# Default: 1 - (Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage)

Rate.Creature.Normal.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.SpellDamage = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.SpellDamage = 1


# Rate.Creature.Normal.HP

# Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP

# Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP

# Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP

# Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP

# Description: Mulitplier for creature health.

# Default: 1 - (Rate.Creature.Normal.HP)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP)

# 1 - (Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP)

Rate.Creature.Normal.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.Elite.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RARE.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.RAREELITE.HP = 1

Rate.Creature.Elite.WORLDBOSS.HP = 1


# Creature.PickPocketRefillDelay

# Description: Time in seconds that the server will wait before refilling the pickpocket loot

# for a creature

# Default: 600

Creature.PickPocketRefillDelay = 600


# ListenRange.Say

# Description: Distance in which players can read say messages from creatures or

# gameobjects.

# Default: 40

ListenRange.Say = 40


# ListenRange.TextEmote

# Description: Distance in which players can read emotes from creatures or gameobjects.

# Default: 40

ListenRange.TextEmote = 40


# ListenRange.Yell

# Description: Distance in which players can read yell messages from creatures or

# gameobjects.

# Default: 300

ListenRange.Yell = 300


# Creature.MovingStopTimeForPlayer

# Description: Time (in milliseconds) during which creature will not move after

# interaction with player.

# Default: 180000

Creature.MovingStopTimeForPlayer = 180000

# MonsterSight

# Description: The maximum distance in yards that a "monster" creature can see

# regardless of level difference (through CreatureAI::IsVisible).

# Increases CONFIG_SIGHT_MONSTER to 50 yards. Used to be 20 yards.

# Default: 50.000000

MonsterSight = 50.000000






# Respawn.MinCheckIntervalMS

# Description: Minimum time that needs to pass between respawn checks for any given map.

# Default: 5000 - 5 seconds

Respawn.MinCheckIntervalMS = 5000


# Respawn.GuidWarnLevel

# Description: The point at which the highest guid for creatures or gameobjects in any map must reach

# before the warning logic is enabled. A restart will then be queued at the next quiet time

# The maximum guid per map is 16,777,216. So, it must be less than this value.

# Default: 12000000 - 12 million

Respawn.GuidWarnLevel = 12000000


# Respawn.WarningMessage

# Description: This message will be periodically shown (Frequency specified by Respawn.WarningFrequency) to

# all users of the server, once the Respawn.GuidWarnLevel has been passed, and a restart scheduled.

# It's used to warn users that there will be an out of schedule server restart soon.

# Default: "There will be an unscheduled server restart at 03:00 server time. The server will be available again shortly after."

Respawn.WarningMessage = "There will be an unscheduled server restart at 03:00. The server will be available again shortly after."


# Respawn.WarningFrequency

# Description: The frequency (in seconds) that the warning message will be sent to users after a quiet time restart is triggered.

# The message will repeat each time this many seconds passed until the server is restarted.

# If set to 0, no warnings will be sent.

# Default: 1800 - (30 minutes)

Respawn.WarningFrequency = 1800


# Respawn.GuidAlertLevel

# Description: The point at which the highest guid for creatures or gameobjects in any map must reach

# before the alert logic is enabled. A restart will then be triggered for 30 mins from that

# point. The maximum guid per map is 16,777,216. So, it must be less than this value.

# Default: 16000000 - 16 million

Respawn.GuidAlertLevel = 16000000


# Respawn.AlertRestartReason

# Description: The shutdown reason given when the alert level is reached. The server will use a fixed time of

# 5 minutes and the reason for shutdown will be this message

# Default: "Urgent Maintenance"

Respawn.AlertRestartReason = "Urgent Maintenance"


# Respawn.RestartQuietTime

# Description: The hour at which the server will be restarted after the Respawn.GuidWarnLevel

# threshold has been reached. This can be between 0 and 23. 20 will be 8pm server time

# Default: 3 - 3am

Respawn.RestartQuietTime = 3


# Respawn.DynamicMode

# Description: Select which mode (if any) should be used to adjust respawn of creatures.

# This will only affect creatures that have dynamic spawn rate scaling enabled in

# the spawn group table (by default, gathering nodes and quest targets with respawn time <30min

# 1 - Use number of players in zone

# Default: 0 - No dynamic respawn function

Respawn.DynamicMode = 0


# Respawn.DynamicEscortNPC

# Description: This switch controls the dynamic respawn system for escort NPCs not in instancable maps (base maps only).

# This will cause the respawn timer to begin when an escort event begins, and potentially

# allow multiple instances of the NPC to be alive at the same time (when combined with Respawn.DynamicMode > 0)

# 1 - Enabled

# Default: 0 - Disabled

Respawn.DynamicEscortNPC = 0


# Respawn.DynamicRateCreature

# Description: The rate at which the respawn time is adjusted for high player counts in a zone (for creatures).

# Up to this number of players, the respawn rate is unchanged.

# At double this number in players, you get twice as many respawns, at three times this number, three times the respawns, and so forth.

# Default: 10

Respawn.DynamicRateCreature = 10


# Respawn.DynamicMinimumCreature

# Description: The minimum respawn time for a creature under dynamic scaling.

# Default: 10 - (10 seconds)

Respawn.DynamicMinimumCreature = 10


# Respawn.DynamicRateGameObject

# Description: The rate at which the respawn time is adjusted for high player counts in a zone (for gameobjects).

# Up to this number of players, the respawn rate is unchanged.

# At double this number in players, you get twice as many respawns, at three times this number, three times the respawns, and so forth.

# Default: 10

Respawn.DynamicRateGameObject = 10


# Respawn.DynamicMinimumGameObject

# Description: The minimum respawn time for a gameobject under dynamic scaling.

# Default: 10 - (10 seconds)

Respawn.DynamicMinimumGameObject = 10






# ChatFakeMessagePreventing

# Description: Chat protection from creating fake messages using a lot spaces or other

# invisible symbols. Not applied to the addon language, but may break old

# addons that use normal languages for sending data to other clients.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Blizzlike)

# 0 - (Disabled)

ChatFakeMessagePreventing = 1


# ChatStrictLinkChecking.Severity

# Description: Check chat messages for ingame links to spells, items, quests, etc.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled, Check if only valid pipe commands are used, Prevents posting

# pictures.)

# 2 - (Enabled, Verify that pipe commands are used in a correct order)

# 3 - (Check if color, entry and name don't contradict each other. For this to

# work correctly, please assure that you have extracted locale DBCs of

# every language specific client playing on this server)

ChatStrictLinkChecking.Severity = 0


# ChatStrictLinkChecking.Kick

# Description: Defines what should be done if a message is considered to contain invalid

# pipe commands.

# Default: 0 - (Silently ignore message)

# 1 - (Disconnect players who sent malformed messages)

ChatStrictLinkChecking.Kick = 0


# ChatFlood.MessageCount

# Description: Chat flood protection, number of messages before player gets muted.

# Default: 10 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

ChatFlood.MessageCount = 10


# ChatFlood.MessageDelay

# Description: Time (in seconds) between messages to be counted into ChatFlood.MessageCount.

# Default: 1

ChatFlood.MessageDelay = 1


# ChatFlood.MuteTime

# Description: Time (in seconds) characters get muted for violating ChatFlood.MessageCount.

# Default: 10

ChatFlood.MuteTime = 10


# Channel.RestrictedLfg

# Description: Restrict LookupForGroup channel to characters registered in the LFG tool.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Allow join to channel only if registered in LFG)

# 0 - (Disabled, Allow join to channel in any time)

Channel.RestrictedLfg = 1


# ChatLevelReq.Channel

# ChatLevelReq.Whisper

# ChatLevelReq.Emote

# ChatLevelReq.Say

# ChatLevelReq.Yell

# Description: Level requirement for characters to be able to use chats.

# Default: 1

ChatLevelReq.Channel = 1

ChatLevelReq.Whisper = 1

ChatLevelReq.Emote = 1

ChatLevelReq.Say = 1

ChatLevelReq.Yell = 1


# PartyLevelReq

# Description: Minimum level at which players can invite to group, even if they aren't on

# the invitee friends list. (Players who are on that friend list can always

# invite despite having lower level)

# Default: 1

PartyLevelReq = 1


# PreserveCustomChannels

# Description: Store custom chat channel settings like password, automatic ownership handout

# or ban list in the database. Needs to be enabled to save custom

# world/trade/etc. channels that have automatic ownership handout disabled.

# (.channel set ownership $channel off)

# Default: 0 - (Disabled, Blizzlike, Channel settings are lost if last person left)

# 1 - (Enabled)

PreserveCustomChannels = 1


# PreserveCustomChannelDuration

# Description: Time (in days) that needs to pass before the customs chat channels get

# cleaned up from the database. Only channels with ownership handout enabled

# (default behavior) will be cleaned.

# Default: 14 - (Enabled, Clean channels that haven't been used for 14 days)

# 0 - (Disabled, Infinite channel storage)

PreserveCustomChannelDuration = 14


# PartyRaidWarnings

# Description: Allow any user to use raid warnings when in a 5-man party.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled, Blizzlike)

# 1 - (Enabled)

PartyRaidWarnings = 0





# GM设置

# GM.LoginState GM登陆模式

# Description: GM mode at login.

# Default: 2 - (Last save state) 最后一次GM模式

# 0 - (Disable)

# 1 - (Enable)

GM.LoginState = 2


# GM.Visible GM玩家可见性

# Description: GM visibility at login.

# Default: 2 - (Last save state)最后一次GM模式

# 0 - (Invisible)

# 1 - (Visible)

GM.Visible = 2


# GM.Chat GM聊天设置

# Description: GM chat mode at login.

# Default: 2 - (Last save state)

# 0 - (Disable)

# 1 - (Enable)

GM.Chat = 2


# GM.WhisperingTo GM密语

# Description: Is GM accepting whispers from player by default or not.

# Default: 2 - (Last save state)

# 0 - (Disable)

# 1 - (Enable)

GM.WhisperingTo = 2


# GM.FreezeAuraDuration

# Description: Allows to set a default duration to the Freeze Aura

# applied on players when using the .freeze command

# Default: 0 - (Original aura duration. Lasts until the .unfreeze command is used)

# N - (Aura duration if unspecified in .freeze command, in seconds)

GM.FreezeAuraDuration = 0


# GM.InGMList.Level

# Description: Maximum GM level shown in GM list (if enabled) in non-GM state (.gm off).

# Default: 3 - (Anyone)

# 0 - (Only players)

# 1 - (Only moderators)

# 2 - (Only gamemasters)

GM.InGMList.Level = 3


# GM.InWhoList.Level

# Description: Max GM level showed in who list (if visible).

# Default: 3 - (Anyone)

# 0 - (Only players)

# 1 - (Only moderators)

# 2 - (Only gamemasters)

GM.InWhoList.Level = 3


# GM.StartLevel

# Description: GM character starting level.

# Default: 1

GM.StartLevel = 1


# GM.AllowInvite

# Description: Allow players to invite GM characters.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

GM.AllowInvite = 0


# GM.LowerSecurity

# Description: Allow lower security levels to use commands on higher security level

# characters.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

GM.LowerSecurity = 0


# GM.TicketSystem.ChanceOfGMSurvey

# Description: Chance of sending a GM survey after ticket completion.

# Default: 50 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

GM.TicketSystem.ChanceOfGMSurvey = 50


# GM.ForceShutdownThreshold

# Description: Minimum shutdown time in seconds before 'force' is required if other players are connected.

# Default: 30

GM.ForceShutdownThreshold = 30





# 可见性和距离

# Visibility.GroupMode

# Description: Group visibility modes. Defines which groups can aways detect invisible

# characters of the same raid, group or faction.

# Default: 1 - (Raid)

# 0 - (Party)

# 2 - (Faction)

# 3 - (None)

Visibility.GroupMode = 1


# Visibility.Distance.Continents

# Visibility.Distance.Instances

# Visibility.Distance.BGArenas

# Description: Visibility distance to see other players or gameobjects.

# Visibility on continents on retail ~90 yards. In BG/Arenas ~533.

# For instances default ~170.

# Max limited by grid size: 533.33333

# Min limit is max aggro radius (45) * Rate.Creature.Aggro

# Default: 90 - (Visibility.Distance.Continents)

# 170 - (Visibility.Distance.Instances)

# 533 - (Visibility.Distance.BGArenas)

Visibility.Distance.Continents = 90

Visibility.Distance.Instances = 170

Visibility.Distance.BGArenas = 533


# Visibility.Notify.Period.OnContinents

# Visibility.Notify.Period.InInstances

# Visibility.Notify.Period.InBGArenas

# Description: Time (in milliseconds) for visibility update period. Lower values may have

# performance impact.

# Default: 1000 - (Visibility.Notify.Period.OnContinents)

# 1000 - (Visibility.Notify.Period.InInstances)

# 1000 - (Visibility.Notify.Period.InBGArenas)

Visibility.Notify.Period.OnContinents = 1000

Visibility.Notify.Period.InInstances = 1000

Visibility.Notify.Period.InBGArenas = 1000





# 服务器设置

# Rate.Health

# Rate.Mana

# Rate.Rage.Income

# Rate.Rage.Loss

# Rate.RunicPower.Income

# Rate.RunicPower.Loss

# Rate.Focus

# Rate.Energy

# Rate.Loyalty

# Description: Multiplier to configure health, mana, incoming rage, loss of rage, focus

# energy and loyalty increase or decrease.

# Default: 1 - (Rate.Health)

# 1 - (Rate.Mana)

# 1 - (Rate.Rage.Income)

# 1 - (Rate.Rage.Loss)

# 1 - (Rate.RunicPower.Income)

# 1 - (Rate.RunicPower.Loss)

# 1 - (Rate.Focus)

# 1 - (Rate.Energy)

# 1 - (Rate.Loyalty)

Rate.Health = 1

Rate.Mana = 1

Rate.Rage.Income = 1

Rate.Rage.Loss = 1

Rate.RunicPower.Income = 1

Rate.RunicPower.Loss = 1

Rate.Focus = 1

Rate.Energy = 1

Rate.Loyalty = 1


# Rate.Skill.Discovery

# Description: Multiplier for skill discovery.

# Default: 1

Rate.Skill.Discovery = 1


# Rate.Drop.Item.Poor

# Rate.Drop.Item.Normal

# Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon

# Rate.Drop.Item.Rare

# Rate.Drop.Item.Epic

# Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary

# Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact

# Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced

# Rate.Drop.Money

# Description: Drop rates for money and items based on quality.

# Default: 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Poor)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Normal)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Rare)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Epic)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced)

# 1 - (Rate.Drop.Money)

Rate.Drop.Item.Poor = 1

Rate.Drop.Item.Normal = 1

Rate.Drop.Item.Uncommon = 1

Rate.Drop.Item.Rare = 1

Rate.Drop.Item.Epic = 1

Rate.Drop.Item.Legendary = 1

Rate.Drop.Item.Artifact = 1

Rate.Drop.Item.Referenced = 1

Rate.Drop.Money = 1


# Rate.Drop.Item.ReferencedAmount

# Description: Multiplier for referenced loot amount.

# Default: 1

Rate.Drop.Item.ReferencedAmount = 1


# Rate.XP.Kill 杀怪经验值

# Rate.XP.Quest 任务经验值

# Rate.XP.Explore 探索经验值

# Description: Experience rates.

# Default: 1 - (Rate.XP.Kill, affects only kills outside of Battlegrounds)

# 1 - (Rate.XP.Quest)

# 1 - (Rate.XP.Explore)

Rate.XP.Kill = 2

Rate.XP.Quest = 2

Rate.XP.Explore = 2


# Rate.XP.BattlegroundKill

# Description: Experience rate for honorable kills in battlegrounds,

# it works when Battleground.GiveXPForKills = 1

# Default: 1

Rate.XP.BattlegroundKill = 1


# Rate.Quest.Money.Reward

# Rate.Quest.Money.Max.Level.Reward

# Description: Multiplier for money quest rewards. Can not be below 0.

# Default: 1

Rate.Quest.Money.Reward = 1

Rate.Quest.Money.Max.Level.Reward = 1


# Rate.RepairCost

# Description: Repair cost rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.RepairCost = 1


# Rate.Rest.InGame

# Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity

# Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness

# Description: Resting points grow rates.

# Default: 1 - (Rate.Rest.InGame)

# 1 - (Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity)

# 1 - (Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness)

Rate.Rest.InGame = 1

Rate.Rest.Offline.InTavernOrCity = 1

Rate.Rest.Offline.InWilderness = 1


# Rate.Damage.Fall

# Description: Damage after fall rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.Damage.Fall = 1


# Rate.Auction.Time

# Rate.Auction.Deposit

# Rate.Auction.Cut

# Description: Auction rates (auction time, deposit get at auction start,

# auction cut from price at auction end).

# Default: 1 - (Rate.Auction.Time)

# 1 - (Rate.Auction.Deposit)

# 1 - (Rate.Auction.Cut)

Rate.Auction.Time = 1

Rate.Auction.Deposit = 1

Rate.Auction.Cut = 1


# Rate.Honor 荣誉

# Description: Honor gain rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.Honor = 1


# Rate.ArenaPoints 竞技场点数

# Description: Arena points gain rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.ArenaPoints = 1


# Rate.Talent 天赋点

# Description: Talent point rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.Talent = 1


# Rate.Reputation.Gain 声望增加

# Description: Reputation gain rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.Reputation.Gain = 1


# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill

# Description: Reputation gain from killing low level (grey) creatures.

# Default: 1

Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill = 1


# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest

# Description: Reputation gain rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest = 1


# Rate.Reputation.RecruitAFriendBonus

# Description: Reputation bonus rate for recruit-a-friend.

# Default: 0.1

Rate.Reputation.RecruitAFriendBonus = 0.1


# Rate.MoveSpeed

# Description: Movement speed rate.

# Default: 1

Rate.MoveSpeed = 1


# Rate.InstanceResetTime

# Description: Multiplier for the rate between global raid/heroic instance resets

# (dbc value). Higher value increases the time between resets,

# lower value lowers the time, you need clean instance_reset in

# characters db in order to let new values work.

# Default: 1

Rate.InstanceResetTime = 1


# SkillGain.Crafting

# SkillGain.Defense

# SkillGain.Gathering

# SkillGain.Weapon

# Description: Crafting/defense/gathering/weapon skills gain rate.

# Default: 1 - (SkillGain.Crafting)

# 1 - (SkillGain.Defense)

# 1 - (SkillGain.Gathering)

# 1 - (SkillGain.Weapon)

SkillGain.Crafting = 1

SkillGain.Defense = 1

SkillGain.Gathering = 1

SkillGain.Weapon = 1


# SkillChance.Orange

# SkillChance.Yellow

# SkillChance.Green

# SkillChance.Grey

# Description: Chance to increase skill based on recipe color.

# Default: 100 - (SkillChance.Orange)

# 75 - (SkillChance.Yellow)

# 25 - (SkillChance.Green)

# 0 - (SkillChance.Grey)

SkillChance.Orange = 100

SkillChance.Yellow = 75

SkillChance.Green = 25

SkillChance.Grey = 0


# SkillChance.MiningSteps

# SkillChance.SkinningSteps

# Description: Skinning and Mining chance decreases with skill level.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 75 - (In 2 times each 75 skill points)

SkillChance.MiningSteps = 0

SkillChance.SkinningSteps = 0


# DurabilityLoss.InPvP

# Description: Durability loss on death during PvP.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled)

DurabilityLoss.InPvP = 0


# DurabilityLoss.OnDeath

# Description: Durability loss percentage on death.

# Default: 10

DurabilityLoss.OnDeath = 10


# DurabilityLossChance.Damage

# Description: Chance to lose durability on one equipped item from damage.

# Default: 0.5 - (100/0.5 = 200, Each 200 damage one equipped item will use durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Damage = 0.5


# DurabilityLossChance.Absorb

# Description: Chance to lose durability on one equipped armor item when absorbing damage.

# Default: 0.5 - (100/0.5 = 200, Each 200 absorbed damage one equipped item will lose

# durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Absorb = 0.5


# DurabilityLossChance.Parry

# Description: Chance to lose durability on main weapon when parrying attacks.

# Default: 0.05 - (100/0.05 = 2000, Each 2000 parried damage the main weapon will lose

# durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Parry = 0.05


# DurabilityLossChance.Block

# Description: Chance to lose durability on shield when blocking attacks.

# Default: 0.05 - (100/0.05 = 2000, Each 2000 blocked damage the shield will lose

# durability)

DurabilityLossChance.Block = 0.05


# Death.SicknessLevel

# Description: Starting level for resurrection sickness.

# Example: 11 - (Level 1-10 characters will not be affected,

# Level 11-19 characters will be affected for 1 minute,

# Level 20-MaxPlayerLevel characters will be affected for 10 minutes)

# Default: 11 - (Enabled, See Example)

# MaxPlayerLevel+1 - (Disabled)

# -10 - (Enabled, Level 1+ characters have 10 minute duration)

Death.SicknessLevel = 11


# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP

# Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE

# Description: Increase corpse reclaim delay at PvP/PvE deaths.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvP = 1

Death.CorpseReclaimDelay.PvE = 0


# Death.Bones.World

# Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena

# Description: Create bones instead of corpses at resurrection in normal zones, instances,

# battleground or arenas.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled, Death.Bones.World)

# 1 - (Enabled, Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Death.Bones.World = 1

Death.Bones.BattlegroundOrArena = 1


# Die.Command.Mode

# Description: Do not trigger things like loot from .die command.

# Default: 1 - (Enabled)

# 0 - (Disabled)

Die.Command.Mode = 1




Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.



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郑俊弘何雁诗曝儿子患罕见遗传病 晒一家三口全家福庆儿子2岁生日

郑俊弘何雁诗曝儿子患罕见遗传病 晒一家三口全家福庆儿子2岁生日

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2024-06-01 11:47:51


2024-05-31 17:50:57


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