北京天则经济研究所学术委员会主席 张曙光
现兼任中国社会科学研究院经济研究所博士生导师,中山大学、浙江大学兼职教授,北京大学法律经济研究中心主任,《中国社会科学评论》主编。曾多次获孙冶方经济科学论文奖和著作奖,国家科技进步软科学一等奖,中国社会科学院优秀科研成果一等奖和二等奖,第二届“十大中华经济英才”特别奖等,享受国务院颁发的政府津贴。曾参与“六五” 经验总结、“七五”国力预测、“八五”改革大思路、2000年的中国、中国以及深圳和海南发展战略、中国宏观经济管理等重大课题的研究;主持了体制变革中的宏观经济稳定、中国社会科学院重点学科目标管理、中国土地问题研究等重大课题。其研究领域包括:宏观经济理论和政策、制度和制度变迁理论。
ZHANG Shuguang
Director of Academic Committee, Unirule Institute of Economics
Zhang Shuguang also serves as professor & PhD. advisor for Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Science. He is also an honorary professor in Economic Institute of Northwest, Zhongshan University and Zhejiang University. He has obtained the Sun Yefang Prize in the Thesis of Economics and Works for 4 times and the First Prize of State Scientific and Technology Advancement once. He has also been given the First and Second Prize for China Social Science Achievements twice by CASS. He has participated in the research for the Review of the Sixth Five-year Plan, the Forecast of State Capacity for the Seventh Five-year Plan, the Strategic Thinking for the Reform in the Eighth Five-year Plan, the Project of China in 2000, Developmental Strategy for Shenzhen and Hainan,and Major Research Project of China Macroeconomic Research, and projects as Macroeconomic Stability in Transitional Period, Macroeconomic Research for CASS etc.
“Economic Structure and Economic Efficacy”
“Measuring the Costs of Protection in China”
“The Collection of Zhang Shuguang's Book Review in Economics”
“Case Study on China’s Institutional Change”