网易教育讯 2014年11月6日,随着英国移民政策新政的实施,英国投资移民应声涨价成为200万英镑的最低入门门槛。本文将主要就英国移民新政的几个核心要点进行基本分析并列出一些简单建议及基本注意事项,供那些希望移民英国的中国申请人及英国移民法执业同行参考并欢迎探讨。
1, 究竟新政策当中对于补仓的细则要求应该如何解读?具体操作中出现的各种情况应该如何应对?
The level of investment has been maintained.
74. You must also show that you have maintained a portfolio of qualifying investments for which you paid a total purchase price of at least £2 million throughout the period of your leave (from your specified date).
75. If at any time you sell part or the entire portfolio such that the price you paid for the retained portfolio is less than £2 million you must correct the shortfall of your investments by purchasing further qualifying investments before the date of the next reporting period. You are not required to top-up the value of your portfolio if the market value of your qualifying investments fall.
很明显的我们可以看出,新政的最具有鼓励意义的一条,关于补仓的具体要求如下: 如果是由于投资人主动变现金融产品例如股票导致的损失,投资人必须进行重新购买更多金融产品进行补偿。但是如果仅仅是帐面价值产生亏损,没有进行变现,这种情况下是不需要补仓的!!!2, 投资英国金融市场国债VS投资英国本土公司
3, 投资英国宾馆或者商业运营地产
“If you were granted initial Tier 1 (Investor) entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain under the Rules in place on or after 6 November 2014, to extend your leave as a Tier 1 (Investor) you must have invested not less than £2 million in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies.”
Investments that will not be counted towards the award of points
A20.Investors are required to make their investment in the UK in the form of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital.
• The funds must not be invested through an offshore company or trust. The funds must not be held in offshore custody. This is to ensure, among other things, maximum tax benefit to the UK. We do not regard investment from offshore companies as investment in the UK. (This requirement does not apply to you if your previous permission to stay was given under the Investor route (under the Rules in force before 30 June 2008).
• The funds must not be invested in open-ended investment companies, investment trust companies or pooled investment vehicles. This is because such investments cannot be guaranteed to be in the UK. (This requirement does not apply to you if your previous permission to stay was given under the Investor route (under the Rules in force before 30 June 2008).
• The funds must not be invested in companies mainly engaged in property investment, property management or property development. This requirement prevents investment in companies whose main function is to own or manage land or buildings. It does not prevent investment in, for example, construction firms, manufacturers or retailers who own their own premises.