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Emperor Qianlong was the emperor who loved jade in ancient China. No other emperor in history has devoted so much energy to the understanding and research of jade as Emperor Qianlong did. He loved and hid jade, and even made jade articles by himself. During his reign, there were many ancient jade collections in the Qing Palace. It is said that Emperor Qianlong wrote 800 poems about jade. He had 17 sons. Except the 16th, who had not been named by Zaosheng, all the other sons were named after jade articles. The emperor hoped that the happiness of jade would enrich his descendants in this way. Emperor Qianlong's obsession with jade has made "Qianlong Jade" a synonym for Chinese jade in the 18th century, and Qianlong Jade has also become a dazzling pearl in the development of Chinese ancient jade. In particular, the Qianlong Filial Piety Powder Jade Bowl was used by the Emperor Qianlong and his mother when she was sick. After the treatment of the imperial doctor, traditional Chinese medicine must be used with jade articles to achieve excellent effects. For this reason, the Emperor Qianlong ordered craftsmen to rush out jade bowls, butterflies, cups and bottles overnight.


The reason why Qianlong jades in the Qing Dynasty were so popular in the market has historical roots. In various ancient jades, the quality of Qianlong jades is very high. During the reign of Qianlong, the Qing army used a large number of troops in the Western Regions and reopened the Silk Road, bringing a large number of Xinjiang Hotan jade materials into the mainland, promoting the rapid development of jade carving technology and craft in the mainland. The reign of Qianlong also became the most prosperous era in the history of ancient jade in China. In the auction market, Qianlong court jade, especially white jade auction, was very popular. Among them, the most famous one is the "Qianlong Filial Piety Powder". As the most jade loving emperor, Emperor Qianlong spent the most energy on understanding and researching jade articles. "Qianlong Filial Piety Powder" is made of superior white jade and is carved with patterns in secret. The process is very complex, and even in the palace, it is a superior work.

乾隆皇帝在位时期,对于艺术类特别喜爱,当时国力昌盛。百姓没有战乱困扰,其当时的纺织业,瓷器制造业 ,美工雕刻等达到了空前绝后的境界。

During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, he was very fond of art and his national strength was prosperous. The common people were not troubled by the war, and their textile industry, porcelain manufacturing, art carving and other industries at that time reached an unprecedented level.


On the whole, this Qianlong Filial Piety Powder white marble ware is beautiful and unique in design, natural in paste, glossy and delicate in color. The warm jade materials are not used to soak up color, so it is a rare white marble boutique. Emperor Qianlong's obsession with jade has made "Qianlong Jade" a synonym for Chinese jade in the 18th century, and Qianlong Jade has also become a dazzling pearl in the development of Chinese ancient jade. Therefore, this Qianlong Filial Piety Powder White Jade has a high collection value


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