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单位名称 Company Name


Chongqing the Belt and Road for Economic and Technical Cooperation Center CO.,LTD


Access To the Belt and Road Portal

单位简介 Company Profile


Chongqing the Belt and Road for Economic and Technical Cooperation Center CO.,LTD is Established on December 19th,2014.The company is registered in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China and the State Administration for Market Regulation as the "Access To The Belt and Road Portal".The Company is an Important Member of the China promoting "The Belt and Road".

重庆一带一路经济技术合作中心有限公司,在重庆市积极融入“一带一路”加快建设内陆开放高地领导小组、推进“一带一路”建设工作领导小组办公室、重庆市发展和改革委员会、重庆市商务委员会、重庆市人民政府外事办公室等单位的政策指导下,按照国家级公共服务平台的标准打造“一带一路国家级公共服务平台—— 一带一路门户网”。重点围绕“一带一路”沿线国家和地区的区域城市、产业定位、城市推广、社会发展、项目策划、招商引资和资本运营等领域提供研究和决策咨询服务,深化“引进来”、推动“走出去”和“走进去”,为推进“一带一路”创新驱动发展战略的多双边经济技术合作项目及境内外项目服务等方面提供理论支撑、路径支撑、政策支撑、项目支撑和经验支撑等。

Under the guidance of the leading Office for Promoting The Belt and Road Construction Work”, Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government, Chongqing The Belt and Road Economic and Technical Cooperation Center has made The Belt and Road Portal as a state-leveled public service platform. It focuses on providing research and decision-making advisory services in the areas, cities, industrial orientation, urban promotion, social development, project planning, investment promotion and capital operation of the countries and regions along the "The Belt and Road", deepening the "import and export", promoting "going out" and "going in", and promoting multi lateral economic and technological cooperation in the "The Belt and Road" innovation driven development strategy. It’s Providing theoretical support, path support, policy support, project support and experience support in project and domestic and foreign project services.

投资入股 Outbound Investment


Chongqing The Belt and Road Technology Co.,Ltd


Xinjiang Oriental Classics Internet Technology Services Co.,Ltd


Chongqing Gaoce Public Relations Consultant Co.,Ltd


Chongqing Dingmai Network Technology Co., Ltd


It involves education, internet, culture,consultancy and other services

机构设置 Institutional Setup


Consulting Research and Communication Promotion Department


Promotion of Talent Exchange Department


Planning and Information Department


Alliance and Cooperation Department


Qualification Evaluation and Standards Department


Education and Training Guidance Department


General Department

一带一路门户网 Access To The Belt and Road Portal



一带一路门户网 :http://www.attbr.com

Access To The Belt and Road Portal is an Important Member in Global Development of the《Promote the Construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Vision and Action of the Maritime Silk Road in Twenty-first Century》,Which is Released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China、Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China、National Development and Reform Commission.the "Access To The Belt and Road Portal" is operated by Chongqing The Belt and Road Economic and Technical Cooperation Center Co.,Ltd.

Access To The Belt and Road Portal:


新媒体号 New Media Number


一带一路门户网 · 头条号(今日头条)

一带一路门户网 · 看点号(新浪新闻)

一带一路门户网 · 一点号(一点资讯)

一带一路门户网 · 大鱼号(阿里集团)

一带一路门户网 · 南财号(南方财经)

一带一路门户网 · B站号(bilibili视频)

一带一路门户网 · 百家号(百度新闻)

一带一路门户网 · 知乎号(知乎社区)

一带一路门户网 · 快手号(快手APP)

经营范围 Nature of Business


Study on "The Belt and Road" economic problems


Carry out the "The Belt and Road" economic exchanges


Promote "The Belt and Road" economic cooperation


Offer "The Belt and Road" consulting services

功能职责 Functional Responsibilities

一、贯彻落实党中央 、国务院和各地区关于推进 “一带一路” 建设工作的决策部署,组织推动并融入重庆市人民政府及“一带一路”相关国家和地区的“一带一路”建设规划与统筹工作。

We will implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and other regions to promote the "The Belt and Road" construction work, and organize and promote and integrate into the planning and co-ordination of the "The Belt and Road" construction plan of the Chongqing Municipal People's government and the "The Belt and Road" related countries and regions.


We will actively integrate into the major planning, major policies, major projects, major issues, key work arrangements and action plans for the construction of "The Belt and Road" in Chongqing and other regions.


We should actively integrate and promote the major issues and problems related to the relevant departments and related provinces and cities in the construction of "The Belt and Road"; We should coordinate the efforts of relevant departments, regional cities and relevant units to carry out work and solve problems.


We should actively integrate and promote the implementation of the important work of "The Belt and Road" construction, and cooperate with supervision and inspection.


We will organize relevant academic seminars, forums and seminars on "The Belt and Road", and joint print the research results related to all kinds of periodicals, research reports, white papers and blue books.


We will be entrusted to participate in the "The Belt and Road" regional’s development plan and major projects of thematic research, project bidding, public opinion survey and organization evaluation and demonstration work.


It is entrusted with collecting information that has reference value for promoting "The Belt and Road" innovation driven development and ecological civilization construction at home and abroad, and summarizes and promotes the economic and social development achievements of the "The Belt and Road" related countries and regions, and promotes the development, achievement, communication, display, promotion and application of the "The Belt and Road" related countries and regions.


We will take the initiative to undertake other tasks assigned by the state and regional party committees and governments and enterprises, and carry out the service and management of related departments, industries operation projects along the "The Belt and Road" road.

《推进一带一路》杂志社 Magazine :Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative




We plan to invite 45 former politicians, bankers, scholars from the "The Belt and Road" countries and regions at home and abroad as our senior researchers.




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