2019年11月1日,以“品牌?年轻?突破”为主题的“2019第四届上汽设计?中国设计高校院长高峰论坛”在上海市嘉定区汽车创新港举办。On Nov1st, 2019, the 4th 'SAIC DESIGN and Design Academy Summit Forum' with the theme of ‘Brand?Youth?Breakthrough’ was held at the automotive innovation port of Jiading, Shanghai.论坛上,重量级大咖们为现场观众进行了干货满满的主题分享,活动全程座无虚席,大家全神贯注,生怕错过了精彩的片段。On the forum, the heavy weight masters shared lectures that can benefit us a lot. There was no empty seats through the whole event. Everyone was so absorbed that they didn't want to miss any wonderful clip.通过“上汽设计?中国设计高校院长高峰论坛”,上汽设计将和各大设计高校一起挖掘最新设计资讯,探讨最新的设计动态,碰撞最新的设计思想,目标打造一个面向设计理论、设计教育、设计实践的专业高端论坛。Through 'SAIC DESIGN and Design Academy Summit Forum', SAIC DESIGN, with design institutes, explored the latestdesign information, discussed the latest design trends, and collided over thelatest design ideas. SAIC DESIGN aims to create a professional high-end forum which oriented to design theory, design education and design practice.
The subject is 'Brand?Youth?Breakthrough'. How to create a breakthrough car design to win the market competition? This is the current focus of SAIC DESIGN.
The forum has a high academic level and a high level of guests. The forum theme implies current automobile design industry situation and all the guests speak freely regarding new opportunities and challenges for automotive design in thefuture, This makes this academic forum the top Chinese automobile design forumthis year.中午13时许,“第四届上汽设计?中国设计高校院长高峰论坛”正式开始,论坛由上汽乘用车技术中心副总设计师兼全球设计总监邵景峰先生主持。The 4th 'SAIC DESIGN and Design Academy Summit Forum' started at 1:00 p.m. The forum was hosted by Mr. Shao Jingfeng, the Vice President of Design & Global Design Director of SMTC.针对本次论坛主题邵总抛出了三个问题与各位设计界的大咖进行讨论:如何处理品牌向上与市场寒冬的矛盾?如何处理“年轻用户需求变化快”和“汽车迭代周期慢”之间的关系?如何处理主流审美与突破性设计之间的关系?
In view of this forum, Mr Shao put forward three questions to discuss with the designers:How to deal with the contradiction between brand up and market winter?How to deal with the relationship between 'quick changes in young user demand' and 'slow cycle of car iterations'? How to deal with the relationship between mainstream aesthetics and breakthrough design?
论坛开场,上汽乘用车产品规划部总监刘景安先生致欢迎词。他非常感谢各大院校的院长们能够百忙之中出席本届论坛。他肯定了论坛举办的三大优势:设计观点的交流、设计趋势的把握以及为人才储备提供更好的平台。At the opening, Mr.Liu Jingan, SMPV product Planning director, delivered the welcome speech. He thanked the attended deans and professors from universities and colleges fortaking time to attend the forum. He praised three advantages of hosting theforum: exchanging design ideas, grasping design trends and providing a betterplatform for reserving of talents.国内知名设计院校院长及教授齐聚一堂,探讨未来汽车设计趋势。现场座无虚席场面热烈。嘉宾们演讲极其精彩,现场不时爆发出热烈的掌声。The deans and professors of famous design schools gathered together to explore the trend of automobile design.All seats were occupied.The guests all made a wonderful speech, which won lots of warm applause.中央美术学院设计学院院长宋协伟认为汽车行业的突破——人才将是关键,所以需要在教学上进行突破,调整教学方向,以适应未来设计产业的改变,即设计从生产性行业转变为解决人类社会棘手问题的行业。Song Xiewei, the dean of the school ofdesign, Central Academy of Fine Arts, believed that the talents would be the key when talking about the breakthrough of the automobile industry. So it is also necessary to make a breakthrough in teaching and adjusting the direction of teaching to adapt to the change of the future design industry. Which means design will transform from a productive industry to an industry that can solve thorny problems of human society.英国皇家艺术学院Artur Grisanti Mausbach博士以论坛主题中“突破”一词引入话题,演讲内容贯穿汽车设计三个时代——先锋、进化、可持续的演变,从审美、科技、优秀产品的发展、消费需求与时代性讨论,解答了他认为“汽车设计如何创造美好生活”的要素。Dr Artur Grisanti Mausbach, the Royal College of Art, UK, introduced the topic with the theme word‘breakthrough’. His speech ran through three eras of automotive design, frompioneer, evolution, to sustainability. Dr Artur discussed the elements like 'aesthetic', 'technology', 'good product development', 'consumer needs', and 'adequate fromtime and timeless', etc,which may achieve the vision that he raised at first place, 'How car design makes a better world'.鲁迅美术学院工业设计学院院长薛文凯认为,面对汽车行业的商机和挑战,寻求突破是需要转变观念为先,通过交叉、跨界和融合,提供“中国方案”,走出一条自己特色的汽车设计之路。Xue Wenkai, Dean, Professor of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts Industrial Design, said facing the business opportunities and challenges in the automobile industry, seeking breakthroughs has to change the concept first. Then through crossover, cross-boundary and integration to provide 'Chinese solutions', and finally we take our own unique path on car design.吉林大学汽车工程学院院长高振海分享了智能网联时代下产品设计的一些创新思维,他认为未来技术发展方向之一可能是“去造型化”。Gao Zhenhai, Dean, Professorof College of Automotive Engineering, Jilin University, shared innovative ideas about product design in the age of intelligent networking. He believed that one of the future direction of technology development may be 'de-modeling'.上海交通大学设计学院常务副院长胡洁分享了“人工智能时代的创新设计”, 在胡院长看来,人工智能将成为汽车设计行业新的突破,人工智能的发展将做到通过它自己理解实现创新,从而做到知行合一。Hu Jie, Executive Association Dean, Professorof School of Design, SJTU, shared the 'Innovative Design in the Age of Artificial Intelligence'. In the view of President Hu, AI will become a new breakthrough in the automotive design industry. With development, AI will someday realize self-innovation, and achieve the integration of knowledge and action.最后,上汽集团乘用车公司技术中心副总设计师兼全球设计总监邵景峰先生作为论坛发起人及主持人向各位演讲嘉宾表示感谢,同时表示演讲中的观点对上汽设计产生了极大的触动和启发。Finally, Mr. Shao Jingfeng, the Vice President of Design & Global Design Director of SMTC, made a concluding speech on the forum.高峰论坛以包容式创新、 专业与学术、 注重中国原创、布局新未来为四大特征。各高校的院长们在上汽设计中心济济一堂,讲述他们在新时代下感受到的变革,从自主品牌崛起、汽车产业新机遇、未来汽车设计、汽车生态圈等入手,充分表达高校学院派对未来汽车设计趋势的变革见解,在时代大潮下解读中国原创汽车设计怎样崛起、跻身世界设计行列,同时高校设计教育如何顺应潮流和机遇、应对挑战,在设计人才培育与校企合作模式上提出新思路、新理念。随着全球设计教育界重量级嘉宾的不断加入,以及趋于国际化的学术交流氛围不断形成,“上汽设计·中国设计高校院长高峰论坛”已经成为每年度的中国汽车设计教育界的顶级峰会。● 说在最后: